May, 2012 – Shortcuts 2


Shortcuts 2


The Playgroup llc, kicks off its second year with SHORTCUTS 2, a program of nine short plays by local playwrights.  There will be two performances at the Lake Worth Playhouse, 713 Lake Avenue, Lake Worth, Saturday May 5th at 8pm and Sunday May 6th at 3pm.  The show will be reprised at The Empire Stage, 1140 North Flagler Drive, Fort Lauderdale, Saturday June 2nd, at 8pm and Sunday June 3rd at 3pm.


Selected plays include works by veteran playwrights Ellen Greenwald, Marj O’Neill Butler, Todd Caster and William Shuman. The show also features the 2011 winner of the Writer’s Network Playwriting competition, Don Scheer, whose play, THE DIAGNOSIS, involves a man who chooses love over life saving surgery.


The cast includes Playgroup regulars Ellen Wacher, Sara Lee, Vinny Mutarelli and Ben Stern, along with some new faces, such as David Ehrlich and Don Grimme. Directing the plays are local residents Joyce Sweeney, Brian Reeves, Irene Kessler, Jodi Turchin and Teresa Biber.


Tickets for the Lake Worth Performances are $15 and may be purchased online at or by phone at 561-586-6169 or at the door.  Tickets for the Fort Lauderdale performances are $15 and may be purchased at the door.


 Contact:  Joyce Sweeney  954-592-0226  [email protected]