May, 2014 – Celebrating Mother’s Day


Teen TalkGabiHarris

Celebrating Mother’s Day

By Gabrielle Harris

We’re all well aware of Mother’s Day. It comes around every year, and this year it comes on May 11th, in America to be specific. It’s a day to honor mothers for everything they do 365 days a year and to thank them for all that they do. Being a mother is nowhere near easy and the fact that some mothers are just so great at it means that the mothers deserve recognition for everything that they do.

There is no one way to thank the mothers that live on this Earth for providing a roof over our heads and food on our plates. But, there are some things that you can do to let them know that you love and appreciate them. For instance last year, I woke up earlier than my usual time, which is not an easy task, and even earlier than the time my mom wakes up. I decided that I was going to make my mom breakfast in bed. The breakfast was hectic when I discovered that my mom usually makes the pancakes, and I had no clue how to make them. So, this is when I turned to the one thing I knew that couldn’t let me down – Pinterest. Making pancakes shockingly isn’t as hard as it seems. I made the pancakes, did my best attempt at cutting them into hearts, and then neatly set them out on a plate waiting for my mom to wake from her slumber.

Breakfast in bed is just one of the many options for a mother’s day gift. It brought a smile to my mom’s face and it might just bring a smile to yours. Another gift idea for Mother’s Day can be as simple as getting your mother a bouquet of flowers or a well-written card thanking her for all she’s done. Personally, when I give out flowers to people I give it a do-it-yourself touch. Simply put them into a Mason jar, which can be purchased at most craft stores and outline the top of the Mason jar with lace and secure with hot glue. For a more fun way to make this vase would require paint and a pair of hands and the creativity of whoever is going to design the vase.

Gifts for children to give to mothers can be as easy as just making finger paintings of flowers on a piece of construction paper with the words printed “Love you mom!” or any personalized message.

Mothers Day gifts can be a variety of different things because of the vast majority of mothers who are different. There’s moms that love to cook, moms that love sports, moms that dance, and moms that are just there for you whenever you need someone to talk to.

“Mothers hold their children’s hands for a short while, but their hearts forever.”

Thinking about it, I haven’t even put into thought what I’m getting my mom for Mother’s Day. Give your mother something to remember and to celebrate her for all that she does!

Gabrielle Harris is a junior at Wellington High School. She is involved in the Quidditch team, Key Club, and is the social media and news editor for the WHS Wave school newspaper. She hopes to study mass communications in college and aspires to someday tell her travel stories to the world.