May, 2014 – March Against Monsanto


Abundance of Support at March Against


 Monsanto in West Palm Beach

By Jon Lipshaw, SharpShooter Marketing

Photos by Jon Lipshaw, Videos by Monica Kallas

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On Saturday May 24th, a coalition of organizations including Florida Right To Know – Boca Raton, Occupy Palm Beach, Millions Against Monsanto Inc., GMO Free Florida, Clean Energy Coalition of South Florida, Awake Palm Beach County and Agro Innovations Inc. hosted the 2014 March Against Monsanto. This took place in West Palm Beach starting with a rally in front of City Hall. The group then continued with a march through downtown, City Place and ended at O’Shea’s Pub where there was networking, education, discussion about outreach for more sustainable options and live music.

If you cannot view the above video (on Apple devices), please visit this link:

The purpose of this march was to raise awareness of the dangers of Round up resistant crops; a form of Genetically Modified Organism (GMO). The dangers affect human health and the environment. Another purpose was to draw attention to Monsanto which is the largest producer of Round Up resistant crops which are banned in every country except the US and Canada.

If you cannot view the above video, visit this link:

For more info visit of write to Hillary Keyes at [email protected] . Also feel free to visit


You can contact Jon Lipshaw at: [email protected] or 561.602.5853

Or visit Jon’s Blog:
