Missing Out On My Senior Year
Azwad Ahmed
Senior year is what many high school students look forward to during their 4 years. Prom, the football games, the senior picnics, and the culture of being a senior are all things we dream of as wide eyed freshmen.Being a senior myself this year, I’ll never experience what the seniors in previous years had the privilege of partaking in.
Being a member of the Class of 2021, my class has probably had the worst experience for the last 2 school years. Having many AICE and AP exams cancelled, SAT’s constantly rescheduled, and the uncertainty of the future made for a terrible end to an already chaotic junior year.

With SATs being canceled constantly, this hindered the college application process for many. With little to no guidance on how to apply, I was left to research the application process myself. Once schools were able to administer the SAT, however, they were in unfavorable conditions. Of course, I understand the importance of having your mask on at all times, but at times the fogging up of my glasses was becoming a nuisance.
Learning virtually was something that did not take me much time to do; however, I did feel less motivated because I didn’t have the face to face interactions with my teachers and peers anymore, something that I took for granted. Nonetheless, I decided that I would make the most of whatever form of senior year I had. Trying my absolute best when it came to participation and getting assignments done on time was my goal. It honestly gave me something to do, rather than sitting around all day.

Luckily I am a member of my high school’s newspaper, and I had the amazing opportunity to photograph high school sports games with a few of my staff writers, giving me a sense of normalcy in a world that now is in constant disarray. Being a part of the newspaper allowed me to work towards something while trying to improve myself as a writer and photographer.
Although missing out on senior year is one of the biggest hardships I’ve faced in recent memory, it has been the greatest learning experience for me. I’ve learn to become independent, much more efficient, and I’ve found some hobbies, all during a pandemic. I’m not saying that missing out on my senior year was the best thing to ever happen to me, but there’s always a reason for everything.