November, 2010 – Giving Thanks


Mommy MomentsShakira Muneswar


Giving Thanks


By Shakira Muneswar


Thanksgiving is quickly approaching to herald in the holiday season.  Every year our family gathers together like millions of families across the country.  And like millions within those families, we’re doing our best to make the most of the day and trying to get through it all.  As it is one of the few times all the family can get together, it’s a good opportunity for the kids to get to know their extended family better.  I believe no matter what the differences or how well you do or don’t get along, family is important and family matters.  When my children grow up, then they can decide for themselves whether to attend or abstain, but for now they’re going to get to know their cousins, aunts and uncles even if I have to bribe them to go.  Of course I don’t need to resort to any such measures.  My kids get along very well with their cousins, thankfully.  The interaction and being together gives them an acceptance not found with any other group and it gives them a healthy sense of belonging.

Traditionally, before digging into our feast, we each take a turn giving thanks for anything we choose. So in the spirit of this most altruistic of holidays, I will give thanks for:


·     not having to take a plane to get to my dinner, or a ten hour drive making sure everything including motion sickness pills and bags (ugh) are packed;

·     similarly having the convenience of going back to my own house and avoid sleeping on sheets I can’t guarantee were washed with any frequency or having to make a good show of getting up early the next day with everyone else when all I’d rather do is grab an hour more snooze time;

·     the privilege of having kids so keen on sharing everything and impressing me that I must hear ‘Mom’ yelled at me a minimum of one hundred times per day (I’m not exaggerating); most of the time my attention is needed when I’m navigating heavy traffic;

·     the vast and varied interest my kids have; even if I don’t understand why they would want to collect a mountain of pinecones or construct a tent in the living room as if the solid roof above were not substantial enough to guard against the outdoor elements;

·     a Mom who was secure enough in herself to raise a daughter who frequently disagrees with her and tells her so;

·     a brother who, when we were little was alternately playmate and scapegoat and who’s grown to be a fine example of father and husband while still managing to be a brother and friend;

·     a job that allows me the flexibility to work from home and be there for my kids (mostly because I’m up at midnight trying to get through all the correspondence)

·     the trying times we’re facing as it tends to force a reassessment of what you truly value allowing you to call upon strengths and skills you’ve forgotten or weren’t aware you possessed;

·     the opportunity to have as captive audience to my ramblings, thanks to Krista, the good readers of Around Wellington;

·     Chocolate (no explanation necessary); and

·     Thanksgiving – one time per year and the fact this list is not exhaustive.


Separately, I’d like to write about my best friend, Marilyn.  As my eternal, confidante and bosom buddy from childhood she’s made me realize how indelibly important it is to have a friend whom you trust and can rely upon for anything.  I’m so thankful we met so very long ago on the school playground and no matter how far I’ve roamed, she was the one to make sure we kept in touch.  She’s been the one to put things into perspective even when I couldn’t see the forest for the trees.  Her humour, wisdom, strength, acceptance and even criticism nurtures me like nothing else.  So this Thanksgiving, I will think of her so proximally far away from me but spiritually always close to my heart and know that I am blessed to be her friend.


One last thing I’m thankful for is this recipe which does not produce turkey leftovers, undoubtedly because it’s chicken!  It’s simple, can be prepped the night before and is soooo delicious.




Butterflied Chicken with Lemon and Rosemary                                                             

Recipe created by Nigella LawsonButterflied Chicken with Lemon and Rosemary


Makes 4–6 servings



1 butterflied chicken (approx. 3 1/2 to 4 lbs)

3 long sprigs fresh rosemary (I like dried thyme)

Juice of 1 lemon , with more lemons to serve

1 red onion

6 tablespoons olive oil

Maldon or other sea salt (I use kosher salt)



·     Put chicken into a large freezer bag. Pull the waxily aromatic needles off two of the sprigs of rosemary and drop them on top.

·     Cut a lemon in half and squeeze juice into the bag, chucking the rinds in the bag afterwards, too. Pour in olive oil and then tie bag. (Or vacuum seal, if possible.) Give it a good squeeze around the edges before sitting in the refrigerator.

·     Marinate chicken for a couple of hours, or overnight—even a couple of days.

·     Preheat oven to 425°. Once chicken is at room temperature, lay chicken (skin side up) along with lemon rinds and onion pieces, on a foil-lined pan. Add remaining sprig of rosemary torn into a few pieces and tuck into leg and breast of chicken.

·     Cook for 45 minutes. The chicken should now be crisp-skinned and tender within. Take the pan out and cut chicken into four pieces. Arrange on a plate along with onion bits.

·     Pour over any syrupy golden juices from the pan and sprinkle generously with sea salt. Cut a lemon or two into quarters and scatter these clumpily about the chicken.

·     Recommended technique: For a spicier option, brush the skin of the butterflied bird with some sambal oelek (hot, sharp chili paste) loosened with a little vegetable oil.


Shakira is Mom to two vibrant children who have taught me as much as I hope to have taught them.  I love to keep active biking or playing sports with my kids and also enjoy knitting or reading when I get the chance to.  I’ve always loved to write as a hobby and am relishing the opportunity to contribute to