November, 2015 – The Importance of Sleep


Mommy MomentsMelanie Lewis

The Importance of Sleep

By Melanie Lewis

It’s 9:00 p.m., do you know where your pillow is?

My cat is curled up on the end of the bed sleeping.  Stillness, peace, rest.  Contrast that with the dueling pillows taking place down the hall.   The boys are having a pre-bedtime, take-down pillow fight.   I wish my kids to be more cat-like, especially when it comes to getting to bed for the night.  It’s not only for their benefit, it’s for the parents as well.  My motto is a well-rested family is a happier family.

Sleep, This is a major topic of books written on infants and children.  There’s volumes by Ferber and co-sleeping and sleep training.  Despite what’s recommended, my kids don’t clock in the recommended hours.  This topic has eluded our family.  I feel like the general barking orders. I’ve posted charts, lists, and drilled the routine. They don’t seem to get the notion that when it’s dark and you’re tired, you go to bed.  Mommy and daddy would like to have some time before we turn in for the night;  to read a book, watch  TV, or just have an uninterrupted conversation.

Likewise, we don’t get to “sleep-in”.  My feet hit the ground running. My first 2 hours of the day are about taking care of others and continues throughout the day and into the evening.  I’ve tried to say, “Now, kids, when you get up in the morning, just go use the bathroom and then go back to bed.”  Unfortunately, I’ve gotten into trouble there.  They are hungry.  Like little mice, they scurry to the kitchen.  Soon there’s a crash and grape jelly is splattered all over the floor.   Or, a fight erupts over who gets to use the Kindle.

Being well rested makes the day go more smoothly, but bedtime hassles derail our efforts.   Yawn!     Right now I see a flashlight on under someone’s’ blanket.  And it’s way past 9:00 p.m.. Maybe I’ll catch a cat-nap in the afternoon.


Melanie Lewis is the mother of 2 active young boys. She is married and works part-time as a Silpada representative and a weight loss consultant. She enjoys book club, and playing with her Blue-mitted Ragdoll, Percy and Golden Retriever, Rosie. She can be reached at – [email protected] 

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