Please join the Wellington Garden Club for their monthly meeting on Monday, November 4, 2024.
We meet at the Wellington Community Center located at 12150 Forest Hill Boulevard.

The meeting starts at 9:30 with a Social complete with coffee, tea, or juice paired with delicious delicacies brought in by our members. The actual meeting begins at 10:15 with the introduction of our illustrious guest speaker. The business meeting begins once the speaker is finished which is normally around 11:00.
Our November Guest Speaker is Dr. Paul Gray. He is the Science Coordinator for Audubon Florida’s Everglades Restoration Program. Dr. Gray is going to talk about the History of Human Relationships with Waterfowl.
Every month, the Wellington Garden Club goes on a fun excursion to one special place around Palm Beach County. We call these monthly excursions Around and Abouts, and this month we are going to Cluett Memorial Garden located on the grounds of The Church of Bethesda-by-the-Sea. The address is 141 S. County Road, Palm Beach Florida. We are also touring Kit Pannill’s Garden, which is a private garden on Palm Beach. The excursion begins at 9:30.
Come to our meetings and you will discover a fun group comprised of people whose interests are as varied as flowers in a garden. Some of us like to garden while others just like to enjoy the beauty of a garden. Our members enjoy photography, flower arranging, teaching monthly art classes, theatre, butterfly gardening, youth gardening, and many other passions. Once a month we meet at a member’s house to enjoy their garden and possibly a bottle of wine at our Sunset Social.
We hope to see you at our meeting!! If you have any questions or need address clarification please call:
Kimberly Helms