Tournament Champions!

karateRoyal Palm Beach, FL, September 29, 2012: Students from the Genbu-Kai Karate School competed in a karate tournament hosted by the Seijinkan Goju-Ryu Karate School at the Royal Palm Beach Recreation Center. The students competed in kata (forms), kumite (sparring), and kobudo (weapons). Overall, there was approximately 80-100 competitors for the event, and the Genbu-Kai students performed very well. Catherine Mazzella won 3rd place in kobudo, and Brian Lee won 1st place in kata, and 2nd place in kumite.  Pictured (L. to R.) – Sensei Keith Moore, Brian Lee, Catherine Mazzella. The students are from the Wellington and West Palm Beach areas. We would like to extend our thanks to Sensei’s Andy & Catherine Gonzalez who hosted the tournament. A great learning experience was had by all. Genbu-Kai Karate is conveniently located in the Wellington Market Place Mall, for more information on the classes, please call 561.804.1002 or visit our website at www.floridagenbukai.com.