October, 2009 – Astrology At Work In Your Life




By Karola Crawford Karola Crawford




Yes, Scorpios, your long awaited birthday is here and you should expect the best in your efforts to get things accomplished.  Your organizing skills are at an all time high and you have the power now to move mountains when it comes to organizations and structures.  With the mercury retrograde period behind you, go ahead and start new planning and projects now.  It may have appeared as though you weren’t getting anywhere last month, but all this has now changed and movement is evident.  The only thing that may hold you back is your own thinking that you can’t change or make the change, but underneath it all, you know that you can. Dig deep and get in touch with what you have been dreaming about and bring it into fruition.  Your unstoppable energy is an asset that will carry you to heights that only your imagination can limit. 
   Your Ruler is Pluto with a nature similar to that of the Hindu god Shiva, who is the creator and the destroyer. Pluto usually starts its journey by breaking down structures and then creates new ones in the place of the old.  The cycle of death, destruction and rejuvenation is accompanied by tremendous power that you know on a very deep level, and this power is not subtle, but extremely intense in effect. 
Sagittarius – Unexpected events have been happening in your life, but the ability to control them has been out of your realm until this month.  You will see that your crazy ideas are gathering momentum and catching the eyes of admirers all around you.  Keep moving forward – you are on the right path. 

Capricorn – Details have a way of showing up and asking you to look at life to see where the major changes need to be made at this time.  You may not want to make these changes, but they will occur with or without your permission, so go with the flow and allow the change to occur.  This will be a healing in the long run. 

Aquarius – Traveling near water is exactly where you need to be to turn on the excitement in your being.  There is a lot of hidden talent that wants to emerge so stay and meditate until you take it all in.  Foreigners may give you some needed insight. 

Pisces – If life could only be smoother, but the sudden wake-up calls keep on happening.  Your gentle nature is not used to this, but please don’t hide under the covers.  You are being called on to participate and provide the information that only you can access.   

Aries – Your focus is on the home and your family this month, so have picnics and get-togethers with the best of your friends and family.  This is the time to try out new recipes and lavish them with food and drink.  The latter part of the month will find you receiving recognition for your efforts. 

Taurus – This is a good month to take care of the little details around your home that have bothered you but that you have not made the time for.  Relationships will flourish in the latter part of the month. 

Gemini – Too much thinking, too much talking, and all that heady stuff is interfering with your sleep.  Try to channel your energy into meditation so that you can harness and sharpen your viewpoint.  It will benefit humanity in a big way. 

Cancer – You should be feeling a lot of physical energy right now, and compared to last month when you could not get anything to go forward, this is the time to make it happen.  You have both the momentum and the stamina to get things done, so go for it. 

Leo – Check your balance and your priorities so that you don’t get sidetracked into wasting your energy on something that has very little meaning for you.  Feedback from those around you should be treasured. 

Virgo – Last month’s confusion and miscommunication is a thing of the past and you are off to make it all right for the first part of the month.  After the 10th focus your attention on others.  Clear communication will be an asset that now makes room for deeper discussions. 

Libra – The first half of the month is for thinking, writing, and communicating your desires.  After the 15th you can show off your accomplishments in a big way.  Beauty is definitely your thing.



Karola Crawford, MAFA, has been a certified Astrologer for 22 years. She has cast charts for clients all over the world and also practices Holistic medicine, Yoga, Shiatsu, Reiki, Auricular Acupucture and is an accomplished artist. Where does she get all of her energy? A grand trine in fire, of course. Karola can be reached at 561-615-1591 or by visiting the web site at www.karolacrawford.com.