October, 2009 – Dr. Randy Laurich & Dr. Blake Kendall Chairing New Committee


Wellington Chamber of Commerce announces appointments of Chairmen

Dr. Randy Laurich and Dr. Blake Kendall chairing new Medical and Wellness Committee


The Medical and Wellness Committee of the Wellington Chamber kicked off its first meeting of the year on October 20.  Chairing this exceptional group is Dr. Randy Laurich and Dr. Blake Kendall. 


This committee is comprised of a diverse group of dynamic individuals who’s goal is to inform and educate the community while promoting the health and wellness professionals who are members of the Wellington Chamber of Commerce.  This committee will act as a resource for Chamber members regarding health, wellness, spiritual, and safety issues as it pertains to quality of life matters in Wellington by supporting the Medical Community’s efforts to integrate chamber businesses. 


Dr. Randy Laurich loves and lives his work.  Practicing chiropractic

Dr. Randall Laurich of The Wellness Experience
Dr. Randall Laurich of The Wellness Experience

 wellness care since 1998 when he graduated from the Sherman College of Straight Chiropractic.   Dr. Laurich’s special focus and passion is helping people change the patterns and habits that are preventing the body from healing itself.  His broad knowledge in diverse fields including nutrition and exercise therapy, as well as his experience in personal growth and motivational leadership, allows Dr. Laurich to partner with each patient to help them achieve their desired health goals. Dr. Laurich has been interviewed by television news anchor Roxanne Stein.  He has also been interviewed by multiple local publications. He is a member of the Florida Chiropractic Society and resides in Wellington with his wife Lorraine and two children. Read more about Dr. Laurich’s The Wellness Experience in our AW Spotlight story.
Dr. Blake Kendall, Emergency Specialists of Wellington, is a Board Certified Emergency Medicine Physician and Attending Physician and Director of Marketing and Business Development at Wellington Regional Medical Center- Emergency Department for the past 4.5 years.  Dr. Kendall -received his education at Nova Southeastern University College of Osteopathic Medicine and Yale University and has completed Post Graduate Medical Education at Lehigh Valley Hospital and Health Network, Philadelphia Orthopedic Group and Mercy Catholic Medical Center.         


Dr. Kendall is a Palm Beach County Native and has resided in

Dr. Blake Kendall, Emergency Specialists of Wellington
Dr. Blake Kendall, Emergency Specialists of Wellington

 Wellington for five years with his wife Jill), 2 sons (Blake, Jr.-6, Cade-3) and daughter on the way!  In addition, Dr. Kendall has been the Medical Advisor, League Physician for the National Basketball Association ( NBA),  A former NASCAR Track Physician, (Pocono 500, Pennsylvania 500), Quarterback, Yale University (1993-1996) and Past Co-Chair for Western Communities-Relay for Life. 

For More Information on this committee and the Wellington Chamber of Commerce, please call Michela Perillo-Green at 561-792-6525.