October, 2009 – Home, Health & Recreation Show


Place Rite Enterprises

For Immediate Release:


Date:              August 31, 2009

Contact:        Michael Messing

Phone:          (561) 865-8800 ext 4

Fax:                (561) 499-3621



EVENT:              22nd Annual Home, Health & Recreation Show 


DATE:                 October 3 & 4, 2009                                                                                                           

PLACE:              The Mall at Wellington Green                                

                             10300 W. Forest Hill Blvd                     

                             Wellington, Florida 33414          


TIME:                  Saturday – 10 AM – 9:00 PM                 

                             Sunday – 11:00 AM – 6:00 PM             

PRICE:                Free Event/no admission charge. 


ACTIVITIES:      A FREE two-day event featuring the latest home products & services in the comfort of one of the areas finest shopping malls.  In addition, meet your local doctors and health care professionals who will be on hand to share their knowledge, with some offering free medical & health screenings. There will also be some fun for the kids with face-painting, character appearances and interactive activities.




*For Additional Information   (561) 865- 8800ext 1.