October, 2011 – Broken Angels


Media Contact :  Joyce Sweeney, 954-592-0226, [email protected]


Save the Date!


The Playgroup, LLC Presents


Broken Angels


An Original Play by in two acts


By Todd Casterbrokenangels-toddcaster



When :  Friday and Saturday nights, October 14th and 15th  at 7pm

Where:  ArtServe auditorium 1350 East Sunrise Blvd. Fort Lauderdale

Cost:  Tickets are $10 at the door.


Fort Lauderdale Florida,(today’s date):  The Playgroup, LLC will present Broken Angels, an original drama by local playwright Todd Caster based on the actual trial of Carrie Buck, in Charlottesville Virginia in 1924. Carrie is a pregnant teen with a dim future. A new law may force her to be sterilized against her will.  Broken Angels follows Carrie through the twists and turns of her day in court as she faces down those who have conspired to undo her.  The production will be a staged reading.  The audience can expect a fully staged play but actors may hold scripts.


Todd Caster, well-known local playwright, will also play the lead role of Carrie’s defender, Irving  Whitehead.  Carrie will be played by Terra Tuhan and the opposing council, Aubrey Strode will be played by Brian Reeves. 


The play is directed by Joyce Sweeney


Other cast members:


Alice Dobbs – Jodi Turchin

Judge Gordon – Paul Rosen

Arthur Estabrook – Peter Hawkins

Dr. Albert Priddy – Bob Benjamin

Ann Harris  – Ellen Wacher

Caroline Wilhelm – Irene Kessler


Bailiff – Vinny Mutarelli



The Playgroup, LLC is a repertory company of actors, playwrights and directors dedicated to bringing original plays by local authors to the stage. 


For information about ArtServe and directions, please call 954-462-8190 or visit:  www.artserv.org