October, 2012 – Bat Mitzvah Class at Wellington Jewish Center


Bat Mitzvah Class at Wellington Jewish Center

Not just for teens!

 Did you have a Bat Mitzvah? Well, if you didNOTnow is your chance! Regardless of your age, whether you are 12, 22 or (G-d bless you) 102, Now’s your chance!

 This year The Wellington Jewish Center will be marking our 13th year here in Wellington, yes our Bar Mitzvah year. We will be instituting many great programs that will encourage everyone in the community to participate and celebrate with us. So please join us.

 This class is geared for all women that haven’t had their Bat Mitzvah. Would you like to learn the meaning behind the symbols? What does it mean to light up the world with one candle? What makes a Jewish woman so special?

 Cost for the 7 week course is $180 and includes books and materials (does not include celebratory party to follow).

 Teens will have meet at a seperate time and will be geared for teens, the Bat Mitzvah series for adults will be directed with adults in mind.

 Course consists of seven class meetings beginning in October; Teens at 5:30-7:00pm and Adults 7:30-9:00pm on Thursday evenings at The JWC, 13860 #4 Wellington trace, Wellington, Florida 33414.



or see our website www.WellingtonJewishCenter.org