October, 2013 – Green Pockets



Living GreenJathy Garcia

How to Convert Green Energy into Green Pockets

By Jathy Garcia, Hi-Tech Plumbing

“Going Green”, a term that is way over used; however, one that has a huge impact on our pocket.

Isn’t everything energy efficient these days? You would think so, and perhaps at some level most things are now a days. However, how to interpret these formulas and understand to what level the energy savings really are, seems to require a Ph.D.

If you are shopping for a hot water heater, there are many things to consider, such as gas or electric, traditional or tankless, or how many gallons is sufficient for our use? These are all great and relevant questions. However, the big question is, how do I interpret the answers to make a logical decision?

To make sense of the labels that we find on water heaters, we must understand what they are measuring. A water heater’s overall efficiency is measured by comparing the amount of energy that is coming into the heater to the amount of energy that it is putting out. An EF rating generally ranges from low (ie. 0.5) to high (ie. 2.0). The higher the number, the more efficient it is. Be sure that the gallon capacity is appropriate for the number of people that live in your home, which is normally clearly labeled. And finally, be sure to check your available space. Water heaters come in various sizes; lowboy, medium & tall are the most common. They may also slightly vary in width & height by manufacturer. You surely don’t want to purchase a unit that will not fit into your existing space, so take proper measurements & take in consideration some extra work space is needed to accommodate the heater & solder pipes effectively.

Hi-Tech plumbing is a local plumbing contractor in the Wellington/ Royal Palm Beach area who specializes in all facets of plumbing service utilizing the latest & up-to date technology. For more information visit our website at www.hi-techplumbing.com or call our office at 561-790-6966. And remember Don’t fret… just call Hi-Tech!