Oh, what a night…Open Mic at Village Music & Café in Wellington, Florida


Interview by Denise Marsh

Interview with Stephen Willey, Co-owner of Village Music, Musician, and MC of Open Mic Night

I know that my life has been shaped by a lot of fated incidents – definitely not mere coincidences!  My writing has always been a big part of my life, especially the genre of poetry.  But, about six years ago I was wanting to try something courageous and life-changing; to give my poetry at home.  Of course, as they say, “when the student is ready the teacher appears” (pun intended with my own teaching career), and that is when I saw the neon sign for Village Music.  Something told me to park my car and go in.  I had passed the sign a million times, making excuses each and every time why I couldn’t go in, why I couldn’t ask about open mic…But, this one time I took the plunge and I asked, “Do you have open mic here?” And the rest is history…Open mic literally gave me a voice, newfound courage and the inspiration to write my books.  I have been able to read from my books and even sell some at Open Mic.  Imagine your life changing with the response to one simple question!  Hence, the time has come to “turn the tables” and interview the man behind the concept and the man that started my “stage life,” Stephen Willey (pictured below). 

Next “On Deck” …

AW: When did you first start doing open mic?

SW:  We did it right in the beginning, when we opened here in the Wellington location over 6 years ago; it was the perfect way to connect with the community of Wellington and other communities.    

AW: How often do you do it?

SW: We do it on the first and third Thursday of every month.  Sometimes it is busier at the beginning of the month than the other date, but we always expect the “unexpected.”

AW: What is the GOAL of Open Mic?

SW: Basically, to let people have the chance to perform on a stage where they might not have been afforded that opportunity with a professional sound system and an audience that is receptive.  Newcomers have commented to each other and in passing that they, “love the intimate environment” here.  When hear comments like that, it makes me feel that our goal is being accomplished on many levels. 

AW: Do you have to be a resident of Wellington to perform there?

SW: You can come from anywhere in the world to perform here. There are no boundaries-all are welcome.

Above: A Magician at Open Mic Night

AW: How has open mic changed throughout the years at Open Mic?

SW: We have a core bunch of people that seem to come most weeks but through time we’ve had different acts and stuff; things have changed that way.  But we actually had built up a lot of momentum at one point and then Covid hit; we had to start all over again.  We have stayed the course, time and time again. 

AW:  Can you order “regular” items for dinner at Open Mic?  What is being offered on the food, drink, and dessert menu? 

SW: Yes, Chef Brian is still serving delicious Cuban sandwiches, amazing cheesecake and killer Double Chocolate Cake.  We also have a variety of adult beverages, including Cugini Wine. 

AW: How long does each performer get on stage?

SW: Well, we go through the “set” first.  There is a sign-in sheet of performers’ names, and it is first come, first serve.  Each performer gets 8 to 10 minutes on stage whether they are a musician, poet, comedian, magician etc.   Usually, musicians get to perform 2 songs on the first “round.” If we go through the list once, whoever wants to come up again is welcome. 

AW: Are there any rules that the performers need to be aware of?

SW: If there are any children present in the audience or around in the vicinity, we cannot use any profanity or vulgar language.  But you can be either really awesome or really bad (laughing).

AW: Do you “vet” anyone from Open Mic?

SW: Sure, if someone wants the opportunity to play here, it gives us the chance to check them out but most bands that play here have been recommended by other people or the public.  It never hurts to try – everyone is welcome!

AW: Are there any requirements to perform?

SW: You just have to be ready, willing, and able and get yourself up there.  We all get “butterflies,” even me and I ‘ve been on stage many, many times. It is great practice for future performances or wherever life takes you. 

AW: What’s your advice for someone shy or scared to perform at Open Mic?

SW: Just in itself, it is a supportive and very receptive environment.  Realize that EVERYONE has had to start at the beginning, and nobody is going to judge you.  Even if you don’t give the best performance, you can still gain confidence.  Just do it! (laughing and smiling)

AW: What’s the most interesting act that you’ve seen people perform here? Something “unexpected”.

SW: Most interesting might not be the word…BUT, definitely had my mind blown with some people.  We had Yuri Didenko, a Russian, Classical Piano Player that actually played at Carnegie Hall and then played here.  Also, Gigi Perez has performed here.  She has played stadiums and has a hit song on Spotify!  The first time that I heard her voice, my jaw was on the ground!

AW: You’ve had musicians, poets, comedians, and magicians on your stage; what would you like to see for the future?

SW: I would like to see younger generation people engaging in learning instruments and playing. In addition, people “coming out of their shells” for the first time on a stage with an audience.  We also thrive on the support of the people that come in and enjoy great food or see the music store and realize they want to purchase something for themself or as a gift for someone else.  There’s a lot of give and take on both ends, but we absolutely love it! (Glowing with pride). Open Mic is available for anyone, but I would personally love to see more musicians playing music.  It ebbs and flows here, but there is a consistent base.

AW: Is it true that you perform at Open Mic?

SW: Yes, sometimes I do. I fill in gaps and get the crowd energized.  I also let people know that everyone gets stage fright, even people like me that have been doing this for a very long time.  I like to make people feel encouraged and Open Mic definitely accomplishes that goal.

Exit the Stage

If you’ve never been to an Open Mic, you are truly missing out on a wonderful and lively experience where you can support local musicians and other artists.  Village Music and Cafe is a great place to relax, socialize, and learn more about how performers get their start.  If you are a performer and have always wanted to showcase your work, this is the perfect, unintimidating and receptive environment.  I love reading my poetry at Open Mic. I am there once a month, and you never know who you are going to meet… I have seen a lot of regulars but also have had the opportunity to see some new faces.  If you are a new or upcoming musician or someone that wants to share your “art,” then Steve Willey would love for you to come to Open Mic.

 You can order a drink, appetizer, dinner and   dessert!   Remember to bring friends with you and spread the word… Dinner Service begins at 6:30 and continues throughout the evening.  Open Mic begins around 7pm but the sign-up sheet is there by 6pm.  You can make a reservation, but all performers must sign the list in person.  Hope to see you there on the First or Third Thursday of the month, maybe…BOTH!

(Below: the menu and the wine list)

(Below: Donna and Steve Willey, Co-owners of Village Music)