Quarantine Survival Tips


Quarantine Survival Tips

By Melanie Lewis

Moms and dads, we have morphed into full-timers and we have had to re-tool to teach our kids. We have to learn from the pros of isolation, Submarine sailors.  And the pros of Home-schoolers who have already honed the skill set.  I remind myself from their successes that it is possible to be productive and learn from home.

On a recent On-Point radio show with Meghna Chakrabarti,  titled Social Isolation Tips From Submarine Captain Ryan Ramsey of the HMS Turbulent. Captain Ramsey was leader of the sub for years of 2008-2011.  They often spent months underwater. The captain tells how to cope with days on end of sameness:

1-Routines.  Develop a schedule and stick to it.  By doing this you will make time pass more quickly.  This goes for the entire family. From Parents in Charge, by Dana Chidekel, PhD, “Children like routine and dependability.  It gives kids a sense of how they fit into the process and sense of basic security.”  We can all use a better sense of security.  The young child’s sense of self and security are wrapped in the routines set forth.  You don’t think about what chore teeth brushing is, because we do it without thinking. It’s become routine to brush before bed.

2-Cleaning. A clean house is a happy environment. Yuck! It’s my least favorite activity.  I did that for the first 2 weeks.  Decluttering happened first.  Now I have boxes of donations and nowhere to take them.  I’ve offered them online, but nobody wants virus risk on the items.  I did find things I had lost, including random change. That made me happy. A deep dive into the bathrooms and kitchen rendered bright fixtures and unclogged sinks.

3-Downtime.  Positive and completely different activities. For the sub captain it was his guitar. Music can be a very useful tool; dance, play an instrument, sing, hum, make kazoos with the kids or just bang pots in the kitchen.

4-Keep motivated and happy.  For me that means outdoors.  I have also found laughter in funny shows like “Whose Line Is It Anyway?”  Everything is available on Facebook watch or YouTube.  I like John Krasinski’s “SGN or Some Good News”. What a treat!. So many positive videos and inspiration for anyone.  Just a few episodes so far, Keep up the Good News, John! Everyone, keep making Good News happen.

5-Exercise- Express joy in movement.  So much online is available!!! My favorite FIT3 trainer Angie Janes is on YouTube with Beginner Circuit Workout: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Ahmgt_jfHk

It’s easy to get started and good for these old bones.  I have a Chromecast device so I can put it on my not-so-smart TV from my phone.  Add some weights made from of milk jugs. Please don’t let little things deter you or render excuses.

As for schooling, I can commend my son’s teachers for Zoom school!  One trick I did was download a background, so that others don’t see my junk lying all around. Go for Dunkin if you can’t find anything else. My PC doesn’t have a camera and that makes me feel a lot better sitting in my PJs.

The school has everything on Google Classroom. A daily check in to keep everyone on track is good accountability. And a set time according to their schedule is important. Nobody wants to feel like this is a jail.

Be productive and happy!