September, 2011 – Wild Money


Charm for Attracting Wild Money

by Marge Piercy


You are the green of Elm leaves in summer.

New you are crisp as filo dough.

Old you are soft as well-worn leather.

I will rub my hands with honey

and run through marble lobbies of banks.

I will dance for you strung like a jester with bells tinkling.


Come to me, come to me, come!

I will not keep you in a dark trust fund.

I will not chain you to labor at a mortgage

Or  harness you to clanking stock issues

but will let you wander free

as an alley cat through the city.


I will turn you out of your cage

to sing arias in the tree tops.

I am not mean but foolishly kind.

You would speedily rejoin others of your species.


Come, oh murmuring swarm,

build your wasp nest in my empty purse.


For more information about Marge Piercy and other poems, visit her website: