Dare To Dream
The Importance of Self-Expression
By D. Gatekeeper
Hello Dreamers!
I recently came across an article that subject matter dealt with arts and humanities in colleges and universities. The debate in question

was if the arts and humanities served a direct purpose to certain curriculums and degrees offered in schools today. This led me to think about what I hear constantly in the news and communities alike.
With budgets being cut and funds being redirected, some feel arts and humanities can be scaled down or removed altogether within schools and communities. In many cases however, great potential has been displayed time and again for those who study within the arts and humanities field. It encourages self expression and the ability to relate to each other as humans on a basic level. I believe this to be a basic need that all human beings crave. (Even if we are not always conscious of the direct and indirect benefits.)
Self expression is the vivid color that makes our world alive. It powers our creativity and allows us to roam and discover things within ourselves and our surroundings. We can then imagine and dream of an array of people places and things and we interact with them. If we did not dream and continually imagine and create things, life would be dull and lacking in the excitement and newness area. That’s a life I would certainly want to avoid.
Afterthought: We must always be appreciative of our ability to create and dream. Through them we are able to communicate and connect to others on basic levels of humanity. We must also foster environments that development and challenge these abilities. If we don’t, we run the risk of losing programs and activities in our schools and communities. This directly leaves us inept to express ourselves properly and lessens our quality of life in the long run. What have you done to be a champion of arts/culture and humanities in your school or community?
We are always looking to profile people making a difference and making dreams come true for themselves and others. Please submit stories (for possible use) to [email protected].
D. Gatekeeper is the curator of the blog State of Dreams. State of Dreams explores the universe of dreams and the power they contain. Through them we can imagine and create. The State of Dreams blog is coming soon. D. Gatekeeper can be reached at [email protected]. © 2012 State of Dreams.