September, 2014 – Kidding Around Yoga with Bobbie


AW Spotlight 

Kidding Around Yoga with Bobbie

Teaching Confidence to Kids

By Krista Martinelli

Smile and Say “Om!”

Kidding Around Yoga is a terrific thing for kids, with many benefits to their bodies and minds. “Yoga teaches kids different ways to calm themselves,” says Bobbie Myers. “If we start them at a younger age in finding peace within themselves, they might not have to look outside themselves to find happiness.”  As Bobbie explains, a lot of relationships fail because people say “that person doesn’t make me happy anymore. You should be happy with yourself.”

Kidding Around Yoga with Bobbie

If you ask parents what they like best about Kidding Around Yoga, they often say that it helps their kids to focus better.  If you ask the kids what they like best, they frequently say that Bobbie has “cool toys.”  “They don’t realize that these are tools for teaching,” says Bobbie. These yoga class toys include the Hoberman sphere, bubbles, feathers, pom poms, a talking stick and other helpful tools.

“By the way, the talking stick is a great tool that some parents end up using at home – for example to help siblings take turns talking and to help keep the peace,” explains Bobbie.

Kidding Around Yoga is an international organization with many chapters. Bobbie is teaching at several local schools in their aftercare programs around Palm BeachCounty. She’s also teaching at a school for autism called Amazing Abilities. With some of the aftercare programs, it’s “shoes on, no mats yoga,” only because of the sheer number of kids, sometimes as many as sixty.

Cool toys are also yoga teaching tools, including scarves, masks and pom poms.

Bobbie realizes that kids bring their home issues to yoga. In their worlds, sometimes there’s domestic abuse or a divorce going on. Some of these kids will turn to drugs or to the wrong people. “Yoga is a happy, safe place, a good alternative for these kids.”

Here are just a few of the many benefits of doing yoga.

  • Strength
  • Better digestion
  • Better breathing
  • Improved circulation
  • Confidence
  • Stretching (works well with other sports)
  • Better focus
  • Improved quality of sleep

Just as some parents enroll their children in karate for the discipline it teaches, parents enroll children in yoga because it teaches respect and self-discipline. “Yoga teaches the mind self-defense,” says Bobbie. It teaches you to control your mind, and also to walk away from a situation when you need to.

Bobbie Myers has been doing yoga on and off for six years, but just started her Kidding Around Yoga chapter this year. She previously sold pharmaceuticals before beginning with Kidding Around Yoga. She took a teacher training course and became a licensee and an L.L.C. She has found that when kids get to middle school, “Moms and Dads are no longer cool.”  But kids will still look up to an influential adult, and a yoga instructor can be that positive influence.

Bobbie has a 2nd grade daughter and a 12th grade stepson. Her husband has worked for the city of West Palm Beach as a police officer for 14 years. She is a dog lover and has four dogs. She enjoys doing things with her family, like Fun Runs and the Amazing Race, and various other outside activitites that focus around family.

Stretching benefits the body in so many ways.

For more information about Kidding Around Yoga with Bobbie, contact her at her number below. Bobbie also does Birthday parties and Girl Scout troop sessions. Her yoga sessions open to the public begin Sept. 12th on Mondays at Solara in Wellington at 6:00 pm.  It will be an 11-week program and you can sign up through her Facebook page or .

See a brief video of Kidding Around Yoga in action – .


Kidding Around Yoga with Bobbie

(561) 512-7288

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“Just say OM!”