September, 2015 – Falls Prevention Day


Wellington Recognizes Falls Prevention Awareness Day

The National Council on Aging has announced this year’s theme for Falls Prevention Awareness Day, “Take a Stand to Prevent Falls.”   In an effort to educate our older adult population about how to prevent fall-related injuries, Wellington is “taking a stand” and hosting a Falls Prevention Awareness presentation.

On Thursday, September 24, 2015 at 11:30 a.m., a representative from the Area Agency on Aging will be offering a Tai Chi demonstration and providing Matter of Balance information.  Preventative measures will be provided by Dr. Anand Panchal, orthopedic surgeon with Palms West Hospital.

The event will be held at St. Peter’s United Methodist Church located at 12200 Forest Hill Boulevard. Admission is free and light refreshments will be served. Those interested in participating are asked to register by contacting Meridith Tuckwood, Senior Services Specialist at (561) 753-2476.


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