September, 2015 – Tropical Urban Farming


September, 2015 – Tropical Urban Farming




Welcome to the “Grow your Own: Food Not Lawn” Educational Program


I am Farmer Tone. Why Am I Here Today?


I am here to set you up for success and teach you the basics of hands-on bio-dynamic Tropical Urban Farming. Learning to urban farm requires time, effort and a budget. It will take more than one introductory class to master it. It may take months or even years worth of practice and learning. It all depends on what actions you will take after the class. For now, my intention is to set you up to begin the process.

I want to support you, but it takes you supporting yourself first.

Your class is interactive. Your participation is encouraged and your feedback helps us all grow – we engage together in the learning process.

Why would you be attending my class? Rather than go shopping or be at the beach instead?


If you are still reading this and you have not turned off the page yet, then you’re answering the UNIVERSE call to MAKE Your DREAM of a PRODUCTIVE Garden Happen.


There are three kinds of people – People who Make Things Happen, People who Watch Things Happen and People who cry, “WHAT HAPPENED?”

Make your garden happen, set up the process by signing up for an Introductory Gardening Class Why learn how to connect first, and set up the garden process second?


Farming or Gardening is all about being connected to the “Great Spirit”, life force or “chi”. Through the life force, we interact and connect to our primal senses, to our environment, to our food and to all our relations. It is our perspective that Nature is our greatest Teacher. To connect to Nature and receive her lessons, we must activate our Physical and metaphysical sensors. We awaken our physical senses by using them; smelling the herbs, touching the plants and tasting the food. We awaken our metaphysical sensors by activating the HEART Chakra; they say follow your heart for a reason! Learning through our HEART? Quite a new discovery or something else?


When we activate our HEARTS, we learn by observing then by doing.

We don’t judge. We don’t speak in ways that discriminate or set us apart from others. We are all one in the WEB of Body-Mind-Spirit,LIFE WEB!


In class, we learn how to empty our cups,so to speak, before we fill them up again with new Knowledge. We learn how to BREATHE in Positive Energy and Breathe OUT Negative Energy, connecting to the Universal Web of Life. Nature is our TEACHER.


We approach Learning through the heart Chakra, opening the gates of mind, body & spirit. We are the last to declare we know it all. We are exploring only a drop in the ocean compared to what we can learn from the school of Earth. Please accept us as we are, as we accept you. We are simple, we live simply and we let others simply live! Gardening by reading is much easier than gardening by doing, but if you don’t experience, you will never truly learn. Therefore, we offer Gardening Starter Kits as a starting point of transitioning the learning process from “Theory,” using our thinking mind to applied “Hands On,” using our feeling Heart/Hand senses. We will get our hands dirty; we will touch and work with the earth’s soil (never dirt). We will begin to feel our connection, experimenting with learning by trial and error and using a living sensory garden tool – The Human Body.


Our Human Body is a CREATIVELivingGarden Tool. It is In a Constant Yin and Yang Movement and Rest Cycle. Producing and Using “CHI”!


The Chi “life force” being in constant movement, motivates us to create and produce. It flows into our body’s 12 MERIDIANS (according to Traditional Chinese Medicine teachings). Therefore,our human bodies are part of the cosmic energy, staying alive as long as it is moving, producing and reproducing. That makes us producers, not consumers! We have been created with a living, “built in” cellular code system, now discovered deciphered and labeled DNA by scientists. Fitted into a functional muscular and skeletal frame, it is designed to produce energy in all its forms: Kinetic, Thermal, Mechanical, Electrical, Chemical and Radiant. This energy circulates movement to sustain and reproduce Life Force, or Chi. Chinese Tai Chi movement exercises are simply a reproduction of the movements that Chinese farmers performed at different stages from planting to harvesting, even dance movements performed at the Harvest Festival! In modern times, we have become separated from our original outdoors environment, as early on as the Industrial Revolution of the 19th century.


Throughout human history, we were producers. We derived our food from nature, charged with the “Chi,” the life force energy. We engaged in hunting, gathering and growing fruits, vegetables and herbs to sustain our life on earth. We ate raw food. Now, we have transitioned to become “consumers” of man-made food mostly contaminated with man-made synthetic chemicals in the form of plastic, pesticides, herbicides, fertilizers, hormones, colors, preservatives . . . you name it.


Who are we? Where do we come from? Where does our food come from?


Don’t ask one another “where do YOU come from.” Ask instead, “Where does your FOOD come from? Did you know that ENERGY circulates counter clock wise at the Northern Hemisphere of the Earth. HURRICANES, for example. They circulate and churn Counter clockwise, or are NEGATIVELY CHARGED! Which likewise will charge all forms of life with a powerful NEGATIVE ENERGY,so to speak, including our OWN LOCALLY GROWN FOOD?


Why then would we want to consume food produced at the Chinese or Asian Hemispheres that are POSITIVELY CHARGED clockwise, similar to the Clock wise circulation of the Southern Monsoons?


Where does our food come from? Our BackyardGarden – Fifteen feet away from our kitchen! What about yours? Is your food harvested and shipped to you 15 feet away or 1500 miles away from your kitchen? Wonder why you’re LOW in CHI ENERGY? Check out where your food comes from!


It is time to LOCALLY re-connect, and become one with our LOCAL environment, ONE with our Mother Earth, ONE with all our relations – the two legged, the four legged, the winged and now, the rooted (plants)! It is time to take an Introductory Class with Farmer Tone.

Right here in the Garden! Times are changing, so are climates and so are you. YES, YOU CAN . . . Start a ProductiveGarden, and get connected to the LIFE FORCE “CHI ENERGY” which does not COME FROM …A CAN! But, rather from a living garden at your backyard!


WELCOME to Our Ongoing Organic Gardening Class series! One class at a time!


Please help us spread the word. Bring a friend and tell a friend!

Please check out more information about us and requirements for signing up for classes at: |


for our classes flyer accompanied by our intro article!| Around Wellington® Magazine/, Thank you for your support for our “Grow your Own: Food Not Lawn” Educational Program.

Thank you for your time…for reading our class pre-requisite – Intro to our Gardening Classes!

Know before you Grow!


Consult with farmer Tone


RSVP today!