Shoe Drive to Benefit In Jacob’s Shoes Foundation


The Council of Dads in conjunction with the Wellington Wolves Travel Basketball Association is conducting a shoe drive to benefit the In Jacob’s Shoes Foundation.  We had partnered with them two years ago and the collection was a huge success that helped thousands of local children and families in need.  Since inception in 2009, In Jacob’s Shoes has provided 200,000 pairs of shoes to children and families in need.  Most of these kids live in poverty.  Some live in foster care, are homeless or live in shelters and even special needs facilities.  With your support we can change lives by giving those in need the opportunity to walk tall and jump high.  Please join us at our drop off location this coming Saturday March 5th from 9am-3pm at Village Park (front entrance) 11700 Pierson Rd Wellington, Fl 33414.

We are in need of men, women and children’s slightly worn or new footwear of all kinds:  sneakers, shoes, sandals, cleats, slippers, high heels.

God Bless and looking forward to seeing members of the public at our drop off location this Saturday March 5th 9am-3pm

John Sitomer  954-242-1333  The Council of Dads