Spady Cultural Heritage Museum Awarded Two Grants for Programs that Support Community Wellness and Mental Health


Palm Health Foundation and the Community Foundation of Palm Beach and Martin Counties support cross-cultural, collaborative programming that bring residents together

Delray Beach, Fla. – June 4, 2023 – A speaker talking about disparities in healthcare, a tour guide answering questions about ancestral contributions, a gathering of neighbors in a community space, and an interactive outlet for children to create art … Each of these programs represents a way for residents to connect, relate and center themselves in a rapidly changing society, which program organizers envision contributing to improved mental health.

Each of these programs is also an offering of the Spady Cultural Heritage Museum, which has recently received grants to support the continuation of these offerings to Palm Beach County residents.

Above:EPOCH Board members Stacey Copeland and Bill Whigham at A Delray Beach Family Affair, held at the Spady Museum, May 20, 2023. Photo by Ethan Dangerwing, 2023.

Palm Health Foundation

The Spady Cultural Heritage Museum received $25,000 from Palm Health Foundation for its operational and programmatic needs, promoting its mission of preserving and sharing cultural heritage, which supports mental health among certain demographics.

The Spady’s lecture series promotes community engagement and dialogue on topics pertaining to health, self-care and empowerment. Also with the youth, the museum teaches young women confidence and character and to use their voices and talents to make the world a better place.

“We’re pleased to support programming that addresses youth mental health and wellness in our communities,” said Palm Health Foundation President and CEO Patrick McNamara. “The Spady Museum creates spaces for meaningful community engagement to flourish.”

Palm Health Foundation is Palm Beach County’s community foundation for health. With the support of donors, the foundation builds strong community partnerships, advocates for its most vulnerable neighbors and inspires innovative solutions to lead change for better health now and for generations to come. The foundation supports health equity for Palm Beach County residents of all races, sexual orientations, incomes and backgrounds. Since 2001, the foundation has invested more than $91 million in Palm Beach County health. For more information about Palm Health Foundation, visit or call (561) 833-6333.

Community Foundation of Palm Beach and Martin Counties

The Spady Museum alsoreceived a grant in the amount of $50,000 from the Community Foundation of Palm Beach and Martin Counties to support its operations and programming initiatives.

“The museum is thrilled and heartened by the tangible support it is receiving from two significant foundations that are focused on the needs of its community,” said Charlene Farrington, executive director of the Spady Museum. “Our leadership and staff will continue to create and offer programs and events that bring our residents together for dialogue, community-building, history lessons, art development and cultural education, in order to foster a more culturally sensitive, aware and accepting Palm Beach County.”

The Community Foundation for Palm Beach and Martin Counties is a nonprofit organization that leads philanthropy locally. The foundation provides charitable expertise and vehicles to increase the investment options on behalf of individuals, family foundations, and corporations. Since 1972, the foundation has distributed over $200 million in grants and scholarships aimed at closing the area’s opportunity gaps. With its vast network of donors and nonprofit partners, the foundation supports initiatives that improve youth and education, economic opportunity, thriving communities, and crisis preparation and response. Learn more at  


Opened in 2001, the Spady Cultural Heritage Museum is the only cultural center of its kind in Palm Beach County. Located at 170 NW Fifth Avenue in Delray Beach, it is dedicated to showcasing the contributions of African-, Caribbean- and Bahamian-Americans to Florida and the U.S. Programs include exhibitions, museum tours, and community events. Hours: 11 a.m. – 4 p.m., Tuesday-Saturday; Mondays by appointment. Closed Sundays. Admission: $20; Members are free. For more information, call 561-279-8883 or visit