Staying Healthy for Good


Can we possibly “outfox” this thing (Covid-19)?

By Dianne Park

Not likely, or at least not yet, but there ARE things we can do to try to keep from getting severely ill. Immunity– are we sick of hearing about it?  It’s been in the news every day for months now.  It’s unfortunate that we sometimes need a “major shake up” in order to wake up to such an important aspect of life, our health.  Are you treating your body the way you would treat your Maserati?  Regular maintenance? On-going care? Or do we take our body for granted and then just think a downhill slide is inevitable?

We have been told time and again by the CDC (Center for Disease Control) in their guidelines ( to limit the exposure or spread of the virus right now includes social distancing, frequent hand washing, use of hand sanitizers when washing is not available, getting fresh air and sunshine, and using certain cleaning measures in our homes.  Every man, woman, and child can likely repeat this in their sleep.  And we are all probably currently doing these things!  Yay!

But long term, it is imperative to also advocate for supporting and improving one’s overall health – through permanent lifestyle changes: smart food choices, fresh air daily, adequate rest and exercise together with sensible supplementation to fill nutritional gaps and to give additional support to the immune system. 

The simple point that I would like to make here is that these practices are not things that we need to do “for now” until things get back to being somewhat “normal”.  It is crucial that the above practices become on-going habits so the body is better prepared for whatever may be thrown at it, in 2020 or whatever shows up next in the years to come. So simple to do.  So simple not to do.  

I am not wishing to be negative here, but unfortunately the world really does have some very serious concerns regarding our food supply.  Many who have been working with viruses (Dr. Michael Klaper, for one) have been predicting for the last 5 years or so that the US would see a pandemic very much like what we now have with Covid-19. Virus names which we all recognize from very recent years – every E-coli outbreak, every Listeria outbreak, Mad Cow Disease, Ebola, H1N1,(Swine Flu) SARS (first identified in 2003 and Covid-19 “just” being a new strain), MERS, Avian Flu, lime disease (carried from the blood of deer and other wild mammals through ticks) all originally came from animals or birds. According to Dr. Klaper, “The next pandemic is already coming unless we change what we do with our food supply.”  This is unsettling to say the least.  But we can change the frightening conditions in which our livestock are raised and slaughtered (another huge subject on its own) or we can start right away by eating whole food plant-based diets, avoiding meat, chicken, and dairy altogether or at least starting to move in that direction.  Check out Zootropic disease – viruses that have mutated enough to “jump” from non-human animals to us humans and therefore become new viruses the human body has not a defense against.  

When it comes to taking supportive supplements, the foundation, of course, is a good quality multi vitamin and mineral tablet.  Also currently in the news, but maybe not quite as prominent, as the criteria above, are nutrients that really help to BUILD the immune system – Vitamin C, garlic, zinc, Vitamin D, magnesium and don’t forget the incredible value of quality plant based protein – it’s what builds and repairs our cells.  

To further protect the immune system, it really is important to strive to eliminate or greatly reduce our exposure to toxic chemicals found in most of the leading name brand cleaning products.  This is especially true for people with allergies and asthma. If you can, spend a little time to research quality green cleaning products, or simply give me a call. I can make some easy suggestions. (And while using vinegar & water is inexpensive, it is not the best on many surfaces over time.) And it’s especially important right now to locate a natural (organic) hand sanitizer that is not harmful to the skin or to the environment. The National brand names we are most familiar with tend to do damage to both. 

On a lighter note, if you have not already seen the short, fun and upbeat you tube video on our current circumstances which is done to the tune of Michael Jackson’s “Billy Jean”, check it out. It’s entitled “Quarantine is Not Quite Over.” It will pop right up if you google it. And although the song jokingly hints at when this might “be over,” let’s hope we actually can all get together again, sooner rather than later.   Please stay safe.  Be well.