Survival of the Fitness! U-KRAVE Fitness re-opens to a vibrant new studio and continued LIVE classes!




LAKE WORTH, FL.—U-KRAVE fitness studio has undergone a thorough and robust reopening protocol to welcome back members and the community (as of Monday, June 8) to a safety-first and clean environment. At the announcement of the COVID 19 stay-at-home orders, owner/ trainer Ms. Randa Alami quickly pivoted her studio classes and training sessions to an online platform. Never one to miss a beat, Alami signed out all her equipment including spin bikes to assure that studio members could sustain their fitness regimens at home. Over the course of two months, Alami maintained her fitness family and perfected the “at home” work-outs with Facebook LIVE classes, and ZOOM sessions integrated with efficient sound, music and visuals.


With the announcement of Phase Two reopening, U-KRAVE fitness studio has undergone a rigorous cleaning and repainting and most importantly, the installation of a Reme Halo purification air conditioning unit that sanitizes the air and kills 99% of viruses, bacteria and mold. This filtration system keeps air particles contained to three feet vs. standard six feet parameter. Other updates include: markings on the floor to outline generous 8-foot, socially distant layouts for individual work out spaces; the hands-free environment will have a literal “open door” policy to avoid hands on door pulls and knobs; several touch-free hand sanitizer stations; limited class sizes of eight persons; and clients will bring their own mats and equipment. Depending on demand, double evening classes and outdoor sessions could be scheduled to make sure all members have access to programs despite the limited class capacity. Classes will be staggered to allow ample time for cleaning and sanitizing in between groups and for minimal crossover of members arriving and departing.


A touchless environment embraces a “hands off, hearts on” approach. Alami is a very warm and inspiring personal trainer who gently guides and offers hands-on corrections for movements and work-outs. The new “hands off, hearts on” approach will be dynamic and engaged, but touch free for safety.

In addition, for new and existing members who are not ready to come back to the gym, but  still want to  extend their full fitness routines at home, U-KRAVE will continue LIVE stream at home “work-ins” and will build an on-demand library of fitness sessions for new and existing members. It is the best of both worlds, “in the zone, together but separate” for a fully integrated and fulfilling fitness practice. The convenience of “on demand” is a value-added perk for U-KRAVE members who are running late from work, can’t get a sitter, or prefer to stay home. Nominal fees will be determined for exclusive virtual classes.

Alami continues to build a healthy and welcoming community one forward lunge at a time.


U-KRAVE fitness studio is located at 5905 C State Road 7, Lake Worth, Florida 33449. Classes and personal training are scheduled Monday through Thursday and Saturday.  For more information, classes and services, please,  Security Check Required orcall (561) 713-5519. Class schedules and services are also provided via the smart phone app, Vagaro.