7 Steps to Fulfillment


Health and Fitness

7 Steps to Fulfillment

 By Sherri  Mraz

Do you dread Mondays or do you wake up excited to start a new day and a new week?


Are you feeling a burn inside of you to fulfil your purpose?


The late Dr. Wayne Dyer said, “Don’t die with your music still in you.” Today is the day to start pursuing your dream.


There is nothing more fulfilling in life than to be in alignment with your true purpose. Even if you have the perfect home life and all your check boxes are filled, without following your own unique call you may never feel complete.


For the past 15 years I listened to the call, the whisper inside of me to help people, actually it was more like a shout than a whisper.


However, as great as is it to follow your passion, that doesn’t mean it’s smooth sailing. Building your own dream and being an entrepreneur also comes with many hard lessons.


When you start out fueled with passion you will find that without business goals you can work too hard. Passion does not mean you have a plan or money in the bank.


Along the way I learned a few things to focus on.


Your 7 key components of a passion filled business


  • Be authentic, don’t follow someone else’s message and dream. What was your biggest challenge in life? Use it, tell your story, that makes you relatable and how others will connect with you. What you thought was your curse is your blessing.


  • Ask, the way to help others is to know what they want. How can I serve you? Pay attention every day to what people are asking you for? Is it how to stay in shape, eat healthy, cook healthier…listen, they are telling you how you help. You can also ask the 5 people who know you best, how I can help others, often they know you better than you know yourself.



  • Keep it SIMPLE and Uncluttered, no one thrives in chaos. This is when less is more is never truer! Get rid of piles of papers, old to do lists, anything excess must go. All that undone, unfixed unorganized baggage is weighing you down. Get inspired, clear your space, hang quotes, add fresh flowers or plants to your space, light a candle, make it a joy to be at your desk or workspace.


  • The 80/20 rule, Give and Get. This is a biggie! 80% of new businesses fail in the first three years because they run out of money. It is important to follow your call, but you must charge for it. 80% of the time you can be giving tips, while 20% you are charging for a product or service. Treat your business as a business, set office hours and set prices. Follow a system.


  • The F words…Focus, follow up and follow through. Keep your focus on one project at a time. Follow up with everyone and follow through. Whatever you are working on, stick with it until complete. Create timelines, start with the end in mind and work it backwards.


  • Build a team. “No man is an island,” this was never truer than when it comes to business. You must know your strengths and weaknesses. If you are good at technical stuff then do it yourself, if not hire someone, stick with what you are good at. When hiring it is imperative that you know exactly what you need them to do and why, explain it to them, don’t expect them to figure it out for you.



  • Start an inspiration box. Create a later file, when you are following your passion, it will unlock a dam of ideas. Remember to keep your clutter down. All of your ideas have merit, but remember we are only working on one at a time. An inspiration idea box to come back to after you completed your current project will help you stay focused on your current project.


These rules have served me well and I hope that you will be inspired to get your own music out to the world. Feel free to reach out and share, I can be reached at [email protected].


A little about Me: I’m a business coach for health-focused wellnesspreneurs, helping you create your own authentic message. I primarily work with health coaches to develop solid business plans. After 15 years working with my own clients and teaching as the Cookin’ Yogi, I now share my own proven system to unite your passion with your purpose. I am a certified health coach, cooking instructor, author and owner and founder of the Wellness Cooking Academy. My greatest joy is helping others thrive and fulfill their dreams.

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Sherri Mraz, author of the “Cookin’ Yogi’s, More Energy, Less Waist” and owner of the Wellness Cooking Academy and Cookin’ Yogi. I teach how to enjoy real food again and how “Healthy Begins in the Kitchen.” Sherri Mraz, The Cookin’ Yogi, Food Educator and Certified Health Coach, and Barbara Nicholson, N.D., Certified Natural Health Practitioner facilitate the Healthy Cooking ~ Healthy Living workshops. Sherri and Barb are found in West Palm Beach, coaching clients on how to reach their goals for health, weight loss, and stress reduction. Additionally, they present workshops and lectures on living a healthy, balanced life. Contact Sherri or Barb directly for more workshop topics and how they can provide workshops for your corporation or clients.