Wellington Business Celebrates Anniversary


The Sanctuary For Mind, Body & Spirit is commemorating its one year anniversary and celebrating a new location that is in a quiet and Zen-like space inside the Wellington Reserve Office Suites.

Based in Wellington, the energy healing company provides much needed calm and relaxation to stressed out and overwhelmed people in the local community and remotely across the United States.

“I started this practice after self-healing from my own battle with depression, anxiety, and insomnia,” said Founder and Reiki Master Sheila Zayas. “I’m thrilled about this first year of witnessing people improve their emotional turmoil, frustration, and unforgiveness to reveal an empowered part of themselves that was hiding underneath drama, distractions and pain.”

Today more than ever, it is extremely important to find any means to access peace, relieve high-level stress, and heal emotionally and physically. Life is full of distractions with social media, chiming phones, 24-hour news cycle, and endless emails. The Sanctuary provides one form of self-care that allows people to disconnect from the pressures of life. In the process, they learn to reconnect with themselves and tap into their inner guidance for purpose, meaning, joy, love and abundance.

As more people search for ways to balance themselves and cope with the modern hectic lifestyle, The Sanctuary offers an all-natural and safe complement to traditional mental health and medical healing.
Services include:
• Reiki – Laying on of the hands to transfer universal life force energy to promote the recipient’s self-healing abilities.
• Crystal Therapy – Gemstones are placed on the body for relaxation and realignment of negative energy blocks.
• Guided Meditation – Calming the mind and slowing down the nervous system so that we become aware of our thoughts and body.
• Breathwork – Conscious connected breathing induces peace and releases tension and stuck emotions.
• Events – A line up of events promote stillness, self-awareness, and spiritual healing.

“For many people, when they first engage with energy healing, usually a storm is raging inside of them. They’re stressed out, have relationship problems, or persistent physical ailments,” said Zayas. “It’s such an honor to hold space for them to love themselves again and make healthier decisions with their body, thoughts and boundaries.”

Energy healing is not a new concept. It has existed for thousands of years and is practiced by many cultures around the world for well-being and vitality. According to a past survey conducted by the National Institutes of Health, 1.2 million adults and 161,000 children in the United States had received energy healing therapy in the previous year.

Learn more about The Sanctuary For Mind, Body & Spirit at www.mbssanctuary.com.