Wellington Garden Club


The Wellington Garden Club will meet Monday, January 7 in the Lakeview Room at the Wellington Community Center (12150 W. Forest Hill Blvd.).
A light breakfast begins at 9:30 a.m., followed by a business meeting at 10:30a.m. and a program at 11:30a.m. on “Home Irrigation and Ways to Conserve Water,” presented by Dr. Kimberly Anne Moore.
Moore, who is a professor of Environmental Horticulture at the Fort Lauderdale Research Education Center, teaches both undergraduate and graduate online courses.  Her research focus is on nutritional management strategies for greenhouse crops. She is studying alternative growing substrates like compost and the use of reclaimed waste water to grow containerized ornamental plants. Moore, who has been at the University of Florida since 1995 and has a PhD and MS in horticulture from Iowa State University, has studied the effects of salt water intrusion on containerized plants. Come learn ways to conserve our precious resource. 
Guests are welcome, but seating is limited. RSVP to Mary Drexler at [email protected] or 561-506-7404. 
To learn more about the Wellington Garden Club, visit www.wellingtongardenclub.org.