Wellington Resident Mike May Addresses Physical Inactivity



            WELLINGTON, FLORIDA – June 13, 2019 – Sitting is the new smoking……and Exercise is medicine.  Those are two of the many ‘big-picture’ messages that Wellington resident and PHIT America director of communications Mike May will share today with the Wellington Rotary, which meets at noon at The Wanderers Club in Wellington.  May is expected to speak at 12:15 for roughly 15 minutes.  During May’s luncheon presentation, he will reveal the magnitude of physical inactivity in the U.S. and the downsides of the status quo:

Facts on Physical Inactivity in the U.S.:

— 82 million Americans are classified as physically inactive. (Source:  Physical Activity Council)

— Less than 10% of U.S. children (age 6-17) are physically active to healthy standards. (Source: CDC)

— U.S. children rank 47th in global fitness. (Source:  British Journal of Sports Medicine)

— The issue is so severe that the U.S. Army is currently having difficulty recruiting troops physically fit enough to make it through boot camp (Source:  U.S. Army)

The issue of physical inactivity and the work of PHIT America has received attention by some news outlets in Palm Beach County in recent months:

PHIT America is responding to the physical inactivity issue by raising funds from the private sector in order to distribute PHIT America GO! Grants to P.E. programs in elementary schools around the U.S. 

Founded in January 2013, PHIT America is a non-profit campaign focused on overcoming the severe ramifications of the ‘Inactivity Pandemic’ through four strategic approaches – education, supporting school-based activity programs, a national event and advocating – which will get Americans, especially our youth, more active, fit and healthy.   Companies or individuals interested in more information about PHIT America’s fight to reverse the ‘Inactivity Pandemic’ should access www.PHITAmerica.org.

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PHIT America 23120 Mountain Laurel Lake, California, MD 20619 p: 561.529.2989