Wellington Seeks Talented Instructors for New Community Center


Wellington Seeks Talented Instructors for New Community Center


The Village of Wellington eagerly anticipates the opening of the new Wellington Community Center this summer. Wellington plans to offer a wide range of programs for babies, seniors, and every age in between. In preparation, the Wellington Parks & Recreation Department is looking for talented Independent Contractors that would like to share their expertise with the community, by teaching classes in our new facility.
Interested parties must send their program proposals to Julie Strow at 11700 Pierson Road, Wellington, FL 33414. Details in proposals should include, but are not limited to, program curriculum, time and day availability, program duration, fees, and professional background. All information is due to Wellington by Friday, February 26th, 2016.

Please note that Independent Contractors are not employees of Wellington. For more information, please contact Julie Strow at [email protected] or 561-753-5262.

As another way to stay informed on the latest news and updates from the Village, residents are invited to sign up for Wellington information and updates at www.wellingtonfl.gov/enews.

For information about other Wellington programs, events, activities, and updates, please visit www.wellingtonfl.gov or watch WellingtonTV for the latest happenings.