Wellington’s Egg Hunt Returns to Village Park on Saturday, March 30th

The Village of Wellington Easter Egg Hunt. Photo by Carol Porter.

Get your baskets ready for Wellington’s Annual Egg Hunt! The Egg Hunt returns to the Village Park softball fields, located at 11700 Pierson Road, on Saturday, March 30th.

The event begins promptly at 10:00 a.m., and will be divided into four age groups: ages 2 and under, or those in need of special accommodations; ages 3 to 4; ages 5 to 7; and ages 8 to 10. At each egg hunt, two eggs will have a pink bunny ticket inside, indicating a special prize. Families are encouraged to arrive early as traffic congestion may occur. Remember to bring your own basket or bag to collect your eggs.

Learn more about Wellington’s Egg Hunt at www.wellingtonfl.gov/EggHunt.

Special thanks to our event sponsors, Joe DiMaggio Children’s Health Specialty Center and Christ Fellowship Church, for their support of this great hometown event.

For more information on family-friendly events coming up in Wellington at www.wellingtonfl.gov/Events

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