Happy June to You!


Happy June!

This month our writers give you many ideas for fun things to do!  Let’s begin with “Cultural Corner” where Lori Baumel provides 6 fun things to “Live Go Do!” as she says it.  You might as well keep on learning this summer, and Baumel provides several online course links in her article “A Summer of Enrichment.” 

Illustration by Rollin McGrail.

Special guest writer (and Super Mom) Heidi Hess writes about being a tourist in your own town, something everyone should try. She takes us on a delightful trip to John D. MacArthur State Park and gives us tips for visiting. 

Mike May, our writer with “On the Move with Mike,” writes about two great experiences this month: a par 3 golf course and a German restaurant.  May recommends the “Palm Beach Par 3,” which he refers to as a “priceless beachside pearl.”  He also recently took a trip to Indiana and stumbled across the best German restaurant he’s ever experienced, The Schnitzelbank

This month I had the opportunity to sit down with Cindy Nadelbach of Josh’s Benches for Awareness.  She’s putting bright yellow benches in public spaces with the number to call and to text for suicide prevention. See “AW Spotlight.”

Meanwhile, the Lost Diaries series continues on with “A Page from the Lost Diary of Nelson Mandela,” thanks to writer Don Conway.  As you might know, Mandela spent 27 years in prison.  His diary entry will move you and help you to remember his life-long fight for freedom. 

As always, there’s more content to explore – this is just the beginning of what we have for you this month.  Thanks to our writers who come through with terrific articles each month!

Don’t forget Father’s Day, which is coming up June 16th.  Happy Father’s Day to all the Dads around Wellington! 

Thanks and have a great month!

Krista Martinelli

Founder/ Editor


Krista Martinelli is the mother of two and enjoys writing about people in the around Wellington area. In her spare time, she plays tennis, plays keyboards in the band D-Railed and writes fiction.