April, 2009 – Just Another Wellington Mommy



AW Stories of the Month

Just Another Wellington Mommy

By Jenny Skylark Kuvin – Author of The Terrible and Wonderful, Ugly and Beautiful Story of My Life So Far


This morning I awoke to my six year old son crawling into bed with me for a quick five-minute snuggle. The snuggle ended and we said our prayers as we raced for the family room. While my husband showered, I turned on Blue’s Clues, packed a lunch, laid out a uniform, took the garbage to end of the driveway and walked the dog. After walking the dog and throwing some Cookie Crisp in a plastic baggie for my son’s breakfast on the road, I realized I had only five minutes for myself. “Looks like I’ll have to wear my pajamas in the drop off line again.”I throw on a baseball cap to hide the horrible bed head and hit the road. After drop off I realize I am too rushed and reschedule my yearly check up for the third and hopefully last time. Before reaching home I stop at Publix for dinner tonight and some lunch box restock materials. At home I put groceries away, fold two laundries and finally take a shower. Just as my shower is complete I receive the assignment from my publicist to write an article about myself, and I have a less than twenty-four hours to do it! I immediately think to myself, “What should I write about?”I know I am supposed to make it an article about the incest, rape, and alcoholism I have survived from. It would be appropriate to mention the fact that I am an attorney, a cantorial soloist, an author, and an actress who performs in local theater. Even more I should mention my newly published book, The Terrible and Wonderful, Ugly and Beautiful Story of My Life So Far. Amazingly though, this is not what comes to mind.

What came to my mind to write about was how ordinary the complexities of my life are. I may juggle a million things, but as I look at all my friends, I notice they do too. They may not have my specific issues, but they have their own burdens to bear. Although I do not always know what they might be, I can be sure that a myriad of moments made them the women they are today. They are women whose personalities shine with every color of the rainbow. The many Wellington Mommies who can face a million different obstacles and always finished the course.

At Starbuck’s, the Gym, Publix, the Mall, or Drop Off, I see these women and I am proud to be like them. I have arrived at a spot where I don’t compare myself with them, but identify with them instead. I no longer assume what their lives have been by their outside appearance. I try to remember their heart inside. They, like me, have the ability to live full and rich lives. Although my accomplishments have been many, my journey of healing from incest, rape and alcoholism leads me today to a very peaceful conclusion…I am just another Wellington Mommy.

Learn More about Jenny Skylark at www.jennyskylark.com
Find Jenny’s book on amazon.com and at local bookstores for order
