Eagle Arts Academy, Infused with Fun


Eagle Arts Academy, Infused with Fun

By Niyah Paris

        Eagle Arts Academy charter school for the arts originally started in 2014. The founder of the school was inspired by Walt Disney’s belief of the importance of infusing arts into education, and how it can inspire a child’s creativity and imagination. Because they believe that every child learns differently Eagle Arts uses a whole child approach to education. They infuse core curriculum with arts education and technology skills in a collaborative culture that drives academic excellence. They use teaching methods that create fun and engaging learning environments like center-based learning, project-based learning, and kinesthetic learning. They believe that children who don’t like school will eventually engage and find it not so boring. The goal is to create as many options as possible to help each and every child be very successful in their learning. The school provides a great way for a child to get his/her education in a fun way at the very same time while learning. I’ve been at Eagle Arts for 2 years and I have loved every second of it. They give “Encore” subjects, so that you learn and do what you love at the very same time. I have learned so much and it wasn’t just from sitting down doing a lesson- it was hands on and fun. They even have after school enrichments. I don’t care what anyone says – this school deserves a 10/10!