Escaping into Nature


“Come to the woods for here is rest.” –John Muir

Let’s face it, sheltering at home, wearing face masks and washing our hands until our skin dries out gets old. Sometimes we need to get away. But with social distancing continuing to be important in the fight against the coronavirus, finding an escape takes a bit of planning. Here in New York, we’ve been weathering this COVID-19 storm for 12 weeks. To preserve our mental health, my husband, Greg, and I spent our weekends searching for the least crowded hiking trails around.

Along the way, we discovered several new spots that we’ll continue to frequent long past the COVID lockdown. After each hike, we returned to our little New York City apartment refreshed and ready to tackle yet another week of this crisis. Recently we extended our hiking territory with a road trip south. Realizing nature heals our spirit, we spent several days hiking and taking long walks to soak up all the fresh air we could inhale. We’re back in New York now and drawing from the memories of time in the woods. I hope these photos inspire you to escape into nature at every opportunity.

Cloudland Canyon – Rising Fawn, Georgia

escape into nature in Travel with Terri
Cloudland Canyon Waterfall in Rising Fawn, Georgia
Escape into nature with Travel with TErri
West Rim Loop Trail

Cherohala Skyway, Tennessee to North Carolina

Escape into Nature on Travel with Terri
Smoky Mountains Overlook
Escape into Nature on Travel with Terri
A Walk in the Woods

Harpers Ferry, West Virginia

AT Trail with Travel with Terri
Hiking a Piece of the Appalachian Trail
Escape into Nature on TRavel with Terri
Shenandoah River

Shenandoah National Park, Virginia

Escape into Nature on Travel with Terri
Mountain Laurel in Bloom
Waiting for sunset on TRavel with Terri
Waiting for Sunset

When the time is right for you, opt outside. John Muir was right!