Happy May 2019 and Happy Mother’s Day!


Happy May!  And Happy Mother’s Day!!

Dear AroundWellington Friends,

I want to introduce you to our shiny new articles for this month!  First, I recommend reading about the launch of the Barbuto & Johansson law firm in Wellington in our “AW Spotlight” story.  Anthony Barbuto and Carly Johansson are talented attorneys, making a difference in the lives of their clients.


Don’t forget that Mother’s Day is just around the corner.  I recently began working at Levenger, an upscale office supplies company headquartered in Delray Beach, FL.  Levenger has some great Mother’s Day gifts that I’d love you to see.  Shop their Mother’s Day Gift Guide.  Here’s my favorite Levenger product, a place to put all your great ideas in a notecard bleacher.  Here’s a coupon code, just for you at AroundWellington, so you can take $20 off your order of $100 or more (expires May 31st): AW2019

I’d like to invite you to our monthly networking mixers, aimed at small business owners and open to the public.  We meet the first Thursday of every month at Village Music & Café in Wellington from 6pm to 7:30pm, presented by AroundWellington.com and Banzai Wellness.  Our next mixer is June 6th.  RSVP to [email protected].  Looking forward to seeing you there!  (Pictured here are the participants of our May 2nd mixer).     

Every month our dessert tasting team Frannie and Dani bring you delectable and hilarious videos about their latest sweet treat.  This month check out “Le Macaron – Ooh, La La,” so French, so yummy.  Visit their page “Yummy Treats.”

Want to expose your kids or grandkids to some great cultural experiences without having to take international trips?  Our travel writer Terri Marshall has some excellent ideas to share in “Travel Tip: Cultural Experiences for Kids” in “Travel with Terri.”

So I wish I was as wise as our Teen Talk writer when I was a teen.  But no, I was busy making plenty of mistakes.  Read her article about feeling complete, with or without being in a relationship in “Teen Talk.” She writes, “Teens shouldn’t feel the need to be in a relationship they don’t want or feel uncomfortable because of the pressures that society and media portray.”

I could go on!  But let me just give you a taste of this month’s articles, so you can go and explore for yourself.  Just click around and read our latest articles.  Thanks for being a part of AroundWellington!


Krista Martinelli

Founder/ Editor
