Happy October and Happy Halloween, 2022!


Hope you’re having a very Happy October!  I’m happy to tell you about our new articles for this month.  Let’s begin with Denise Marsh’s interview with the Executive Director of the Young Singer of the Palm Beaches.  We get an inside view of what makes this organization so amazing in its mission to provide high quality vocal education to youth in our area.  And perfect timing, the YSPB organization celebrates 20 years this year.  See Cultural Corner.” 

For a real treat, check out the dog costumes that our pet writer Tricia Roberts is proposing that you try for Halloween.  All super cute, but my personal favorite is the Cheech and Chong costume.  See Paws-itive Press.” 

Our Living Greenwriter Cristian DeRusha shows us how to grow dill and how to use it in recipes.  Great information and some added flavor for your kitchen. 

In Mommy Moments,” supermom Heidi Hess ponders the question, “How can we be better ambassadors for our state?”  And how can she make her teenage kids appreciate Florida, just as much as they appreciate a trip to another state. 

If you’d like to assist with the gigantic task of rebuilding and helping those in need on the West coast of Florida, you can donate to the American Red Cross, which is focused on Hurricane Ian victims right now. 

Check out our other articles, our photo galleries and our “News & Events” section too for more great content.  Hope you have a wonderful, slightly cooler month!  And Happy Halloween!!


Krista Martinelli

