Happy Thanksgiving and Happy November!
Dear Friends Around Wellington,
It’s November already! Thanks to all who came out for our last mixer/Rollin McGrail’s art show at Village Music last Thursday night. Just as a reminder our networking mixers are free, open to the public and held the first Thursday of every month at Village Music & Café at 6:30pm. So the next one is December 5th.

Welcome to our new columnist Jon Frangipane and his humorous monthly article “Cat Talk.” In this first issue we are introduced to Berkel, the cat who talks. Read “Meeting of the Minds” to see how it all began. Jon, by the way, is a pianist and composer and former editor/publisher of the Lighthouse Point Magazine. He also co-facilitated the Fort Lauderdale Writers’ Group with writer/publisher Krista Martinelli.
Wondering why your back went out? Read Dr. Jonathon Chung’s “Ask the Docs” to consider this issue in more depth with “Why Weak Muscles are NOT the Reason Your Back Went Out.”
Meanwhile in the cultural arts world, Broadway (and theater in general) is stepping up its game according to writer Lori Hope Baumel. From “Once” to “Waitress” to “Oklahoma,” read about new trends in theater in her “Cultural Corner” article this month, “Not Your Grandmother’s Oklahoma.”
Mark your calendars now for a couple of classic holiday events happening in Wellington. There’s the 36th Annual Wellington Holiday Parade, happening December 8th presented by the Village of Wellington and the CPBC Chamber of Commerce. There’s the long-standing tradition of WinterFest, with local celebrity Vanilla Ice headlining the evening. That event, presented by the Wellington Chamber of Commerce, takes place Dec. 13th at the Palm Beach International Equestrian Center.
However and wherever you choose to celebrate Thanksgiving this year, I hope you have a wonderful time, giving thanks with family and friends. As for our family, we will be having a small turkey and vegan stuffed acorn squash, so that there is something for everyone. Happy Thanksgiving! See you AroundWellington!
Krista Martinelli
Editor/ Founder