Horses for Healing


An Interview with Nancie Success, Owner of Kings Wellness Ranch

By Denise Marsh

The Equine Connection

We all have an outlet; a cathartic way to heal ourselves from trauma, stress, and the struggles of daily living.    Some of us rely on music, dance, writing, exercise; whatever works for us, and helps us thrive and seek comfort in a stressful situation.    It wasn’t until recently that I heard of Equine Therapy when some friends were talking about it. Living close to Wellington, otherwise called, “horse country”, I have had some knowledge of horses, training, and polo, but this was something new for me.  I had even done an interview with Voltaire Saddles when I first started writing this column. Fortunately, I was given another opportunity to return to the horses   this summer   when I met Nancie Success at an anniversary party for The Brooklyn Café Show.   The   coincidence of her last name being “success” was surely a great sign.  Let’s get into the interview with Nancie Success of Kings Wellness Ranch and find out how healing horses have been in her life. 

Kings Wellness Ranch

A.W.  How did you get involved with the equine community?  Did you always have a passion for horses? 

N.S: My involvement with the equine community started in my childhood where I developed a deep connection with horses and a passion for riding.  Growing up surrounded by these majestic animals, they became an integral part of my life.  After experiencing a traumatic brain injury, I found solace and healing in returning to my roots with horses.  This renewed passion led me to establish Kings Wellness Ranch, where I combine my love for horses and my commitment to helping others heal and grow. 

A.W.: Tell us a little about Kings Wellness Ranch.  Where is it located? What activities do you offer?  Is it appointment only?

N.S: Kings Wellness Ranch is a unique sanctuary dedicated to providing holistic healing and support through the bond between horses and humans.  Our mission is to create   a nurturing environment where both horses and humans can experience growth, comfort, and renewal. 

We are located in Lake Worth, Florida.  Currently we are in the process of finding our “forever home” for the ranch, and we have an outgoing fundraiser to support this important effort.  We offer a range of activities, including riding lessons, educational programs, and therapeutic sessions.  Our services are designed to support both horses and individuals through holistic and hand-on experience.

Regarding access, we are open by appointment only.  This allows us to provide personalized attention and ensure that each participant receives the best possible experience. 

A.W.: What are some of the highlights of your “business”?  Please share a story or two.

N.S: On Mother’s Day, we hosted our first community outreach event for mothers who have experienced loss and are struggling around Mother’s Day.  They were able to seek comfort and support through the healing presence of our horses. The mothers interacted gently with the horses, finding a solace and renewal during a difficult time, Seeing the relief and gratitude on their faces as they released their emotional letters in the bon fire was a powerful reminder of the importance of our work.

A.W.: Let’s discuss student joy.

N.S.: Another highlight is witnessing the joy and transformation in our students as they work with the horses.  One young participant, a teenager struggling with anxiety, initially felt apprehensive about interacting with the horses.  Over time, through consistent lessons and encouragement, the student developed a strong bond with a particular horse.  The breakthrough came during a riding lesson when the student confidently guided the horse through a course.  The sheer happiness and pride on the student’s face was incredibly moving.  It was a moment of triumph, not just for the student, but for everyone involved in supporting the whole journey.

There are so many stories.   These stories are just a few examples of the profound impact that our work at Kings Wellness Ranch has on individuals and families.  They highlight the joy, healing, and connection that define our mission.

A.W.: Have you faced any obstacles or challenges along the way? 

N.S: We face many challenges at KWR, such as funding and resources, learning to balance individual needs, staffing and volunteer management and dealing with weather and environmental conditions that are out of our control.  However, the hardest challenge we faced was losing our beloved mare, Mosa.  Her loss has been one of the most difficult challenges I’ve encountered in my life and at the ranch.  Mosa was a special part of the ranch, and my life, and overcoming that loss is something I’m not sure I’ll every fully do.  It’s an ongoing struggle, but no matter what obstacles arise, I know I have to keep pushing forward for the ranch, the horses, and the community we serve.

A.W.: There are quite a few horse sanctuaries in Wellington and neighboring areas.  What makes Kings Wellness stand out?

N.S:  Kings Wellness Ranch is more than just a healing center.  I believe we’re more of a haven for personal growth.  We focus on personalized healing, where each individual unique journey is at the core of the process.  We have a 10-week program designed to address each person’s specific emotional, mental, and physical needs.  Our holistic approach incorporates a range of wellness practices to deliver a comprehensive treatment that considers the whole person, not just the symptoms.  From mindfulness and mediation to nutritional support and physical therapies.  Kings Wellness Ranch offers a balanced mix of modern and ancient healing techniques that nurture both the body and the spirit, cultivating a deeper connection between the individual and the horse.  We stress the importance of creating a harmonious environment where clients and the horse can feel supported, grounded, and empowered on their healing journey. 

By combining individualized care with holistic practices, KWR provides an exceptional experience that promotes not only recovery, but also long-lasting wellness and vitality.

A.W.: Is the ranch open for children and adults? Is there a fee to come by or is it by donation only?

N.S: Yes, the ranch is open to both children and adults.  There is a 10-week service program, which includes one lesson for ages 2 and up.  The ranch serves veterans, individuals with Autism, neurodivergent individuals, anyone in need and horse lovers.  We welcome donations.  Please call us at the Ranch for prices. 

A.W.: Are there opportunities for teenagers to do Community service for school or volunteer on their own time?

N.S:  KWR provides opportunities for teenagers to complete community service hours for school or to volunteer in their free time.  We encourage their participation in various activities, such as helping with horse care, maintaining the facilities, and supporting wellness programs.  Volunteering at the ranch allows teens to gain valuable experience, connect with nature, and make a meaningful contribution in a supportive and nurturing environment. 

A.W.: What are some of your favorite provisions from KWR?

N.S: I have a Watsu therapist and a path professional who work with clients.  Watsu is a form of water shiatsu, with the therapist, Alyssa, as part of our Ranch’s wellness program.  Chris is our experienced Path professional who works with both our clients that the horses. 

A.W.: How can people get in contact with you?

N.S. We can be reached at (561) 704-4851. or


A.W.: What are your future plans for Kings Wellness Ranch?

N.S: Over the next five years, Kings Wellness Ranch will establish itself as a premiere destination for holistic healing and personal transformation.  We will expand our services to include a broader range of therapeutic programs, integrating cutting-edge wellness practices with traditional healing methods.  Our focus will be on creating a nurturing environment that fosters growth, balance, and connection for individuals, families, and groups.

A Success Story

Nancie Success has indeed been a “success” with Kings Wellness Ranch; she gives true meaning to the words “healing” and “self-care”.  I also believe that she has given me a newfound love and appreciation for horses.  I can definitely see a visit to the ranch in the near future to witness firsthand its healing properties.  Hopefully, you will get the opportunity to come visit her ranch as well and find your own catharsis in the process.