January, 2015 – Year Long Commitment to Health


Ask the DocsRandyL2

Year Long Commitment to Health

By Dr. Randall Laurich of The Wellness Experience

Recently, I have been speaking with my patients regarding their commitment to year long health and wellness.  As a new year begins, we always get our mindset on a New Year, a new you, but why can’t we commit to our health all year long? Many people get bored with diets, working out, seeing their chiropractor, getting massages, or just staying active.  Coming from the north I have seen how the climate plays a big roll in how people become stagnant, but here in sunny south Florida our climate gives us the ability to stay committed all year.

We have the ability to exercise outside year round without being stuck in the house.  We are less likely to reach for food if we are out and about. Let’s stick to our exercise this year, find the right place for you, that gives you what you need and use this beautiful weather to your advantage. Find the right nutritionist or weight loss system and make a commitment instead of that up and down weight loss and weight gain.

Some people have fear of the seasonal allergies or illnesses, if you are under regular chiropractic care, your nervous system functions better and in turn all the systems in the body function better.  Pediatric visits to the chiropractor can help boost the immune system, especially during seasonal illness.

If certain patients have spinal issues that are acute or chronic, spinal correction may take a considerable amount of time. After correction has been made, a maintenance spinal health program weekly, bi-weekly or monthly maybe recommended.

Ongoing exercise, proper eating, consistent sleep, a positive outlook, and a properly functioning nervous system can keep you healthier all year long.

So basically, keep your health a lifestyle and not just a New Year’s Resolution.

Look to The Experienced providers at The Wellness Experience of Wellington to lead you to the healthy lifestyle all year long.

Dr. Randall Laurich,




Did you know if you have a medical or chiropractic referral for a mattress you may have the ability to reduce the sales tax?  Please contact Dr. Laurich if you have questions about your mattress today. (561) 333-5351.

Dr. Randall Laurich is owner of The Wellness Experience of Wellington, Inc., President of The Wellington Chamber of Commerce, a Chiropractic Coach for Chiropractic Adventures, serves on the Healthcare Advisory Board for MCI and is a Community Liaison for ACS Relay for Life.