January, 2016- Sunshine Warms Spectators at Sunday Polo


January, 2016- Sunshine Warms Spectators at Sunday Polo

Mo & Sally, Dave Denver, Sarah Marince, John Wash
Mo & Sally, Dave Denver, Sarah Marince, John Wash

Sunday polo was graced with abundant sunshine and crisp, cool weather that hovered in the mid-50s, while stylish spectators enthusiastically embraced the opportunity to wear their winter fashion best. Eight teams competed on different fields in hopes of advancing to the final round of the 2016 Joe Barry Memorial Cup. The featured match of the day resulted in Enigma taking the victory over Villa Del Lago in the second half, with a final score of 11-7.

Sarah Marince, a rising star in the country music industry, rocked the stadium with a pitch-perfect delivery of the National Anthem, followed by Wellington Regional Medical Center’s CEO, Robbin Lee, tossing the coin that signaled the start of the match.

Enigma’s Carlucho Arellano’s impressive stickwork earned him the MVP award, which was presented by Equestrio magazine’s editor, Heather Buchanan, while his extraordinary steed, Morisette, was named Best Playing Pony, and was bestowed the honor by Scott Velozo, communication and public relations manager at The Palm Beach Post.


Media Contact

Enid Atwater, Venue Marketing Group

561-844-1778, ext. 21

[email protected]