March, 2015 – An Interview with My Daughter (Part One)


Ask the DocsRandyL3

An Interview with My Daughter – Part One

By Dr. Randy Laurich of The Wellness Experience

I wanted to know what questions children had about chiropractic care, so I decided to ask my daughter.  “Sophia, what questions do you think kids would want to know?” She said the big question would be does it hurt to get adjusted.  She answered by saying “no” because you do very gentle adjustments with the machine (ProAdjuster) – “it always feels good.” She did say sometimes it hurts when you are sore from a stiff neck.  She said,” Daddy, I think they would want to know why you adjust kids.”  I asked her to answer and she said, “You help kids to function better.  You help their brain to send a more clear message to the rest of the body.”

So how does that happen?  We use several techniques to find which bones are out of position and then we gently move the bone to its proper position.  When this happens, the nerves work better.

My daughter then said that children would like to know how many bones are in the spine. I said, “Vertebrae and there are 24 movable ones.”

“Dad, kids might want to know about scoliosis and if you can help them with that,” she said.  Scoliosis if detected early enough can be corrected.   There are special chiropractic adjustments and exercises kids can do in order to help the process along.  Chiropractors are able to take x-rays and evaluate the curve of the spine and determine the best steps to make a correction. Please stay tuned for some more questions, this time from my son.

Dr. Randall Laurich,



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Dr. Randall Laurich is owner of The Wellness Experience of Wellington, Inc., President of The Wellington Chamber of Commerce, a Chiropractic Coach for Chiropractic Adventures, serves on the Healthcare Advisory Board for MCI and is a Community Liaison for ACS Relay for Life.