May, 2013 – The Cookin’ Yogi

Sherri Mraz, the Cookin’ Yogi

And the Winner is…The Cookin’ Yogi

April was a big month for my Chief Editor, The Cookin’ Yogi, taking home the big win for “Best Plate” in the Flavors of Wellington at the Palm BeachEquestrianCenter.

This year Sherri Mraz has joined us here at Banzai Wellness Magazine, but in her day job she is known as “The Cookin’ Yogi.” Sherri is a holistic health counselor and natural food chef. She has a great passion for food but more than that her passion is helping people improve their lives. Beginning in June, she will take turns writing “Health & Fitness” for (every other month, along with Cheryl Alker).

Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you know that you want to add whole foods into your diet and to get away from all processed food. You want to eat a variety of colorful food, with plenty of greens and grains. 

We asked Sherri about The Cookin’ Yogi and this is what she had to say,“I love cooking shows but I get frustrated that the menus are not foods that you can eat on a regular basis and stay healthy. People tell me that they know they need to eat healthy, and sometimes they even know what foods to buy, but they don’t know what to do with it once they get it home. This is where I differ from other nutritionists. I teach how to cook healthier meals for yourself and your family, but they must taste great too.  My version of a cooking class is one that helps improve the quality of your life, as food is medicine. Remember we are what we eat. It doesn’t have to be complicated it just takes a plan.”

Flavors-cupsSherri teaches cooking classes for health but also for entertainment. For your next get together, why not have your guests learn something new and have fun at the same time? Her classes are available in either a demo or hands-on style, depending on the number of guests and your preferences. 

It is such a great honor to win an award at Flavors that we had to share this news with you.  I know Sherri was in shock, as it was her first time there presenting as a chef for her own company! And, now she looks forward to coming out to your event to teach an educational fun class.

Contact Sherri for more info

office 561-791-6455
email: [email protected]

Best Regards,

Meric Tunca

Banzai Wellness Magazine