Mona Lisa Tribe Performances


Mona Lisa Tribe Performances

Bio: The Mona Lisa Tribe is an all girl 4 member folk band, (or full band with added bass and drums if preferred) which specializes in three part harmonies and writing original and fun folk music with a modern twist. Their style is similar to the Lumineers, Mumford and sons, the Wailin’ Jenny’s, and Joseph, and each member plays multiple instruments throughout the show. Brought together through Palm Beach Atlantic University just over two years ago, you won’t want to miss their unique sound and performance!

Upcoming shows – Here’s their schedule of upcoming performances:

September 8 – Bumble fest;

Sept. 9 – Matthew Brewing Co.;

Sept. 19 – Voltaire; and

Sept. 29 – Hullabaloo.

Oct 5th Subculture Alleyway, WPB

Oct 10 – Ladies’ Night Voltaire – 9-12am

Oct 20 – WPB Green Market  9-1

Oct 20 ER Bradley – 6-9pm

For more information, see “Cultural Corner” article this month on the Mona Lisa Tribe.