National Garden Week




Every year during the first week of June, Wellington Garden Club joins with garden clubs across the country to celebrate National Garden Week with a wide variety of garden-related events. This year Wellington Garden Club will mark the occasion in several ways. The highlight of the week will be a presentation at the Wellington Library on Saturday, June 8, from 1 – 3:00 p.m., by Laurie Albrecht entitled Gardening for Butterflies with Native Plants. Discover how to attract winged wonders to your yard. Learn about the butterflies that make Palm Beach County home, and the native plants that sustain both adults and their young.

This program is free and open to the public. As an added bonus, attendees will receive a voucher for two free 3-gallon native plants per household!


Ms. Albrecht is a UF/IFAS Extension Environmental Horticulture agent in Palm Beach County. She coordinates The Florida Friendly Landscaping and educational portion of the Native Canopy Education program for the county. Formerly, she was an instructor at Longwood Gardens in Kennett Square, PA.

In addition to the butterfly garden presentation, Wellington Garden Club members will create floral arrangements to give to businesses and municipal offices in Wellington who have supported our programs over the past year.  And, on June 5, Garden Club members and summer camp staff will help children attending the Village Summer Camp Program to plant Firebush seedlings in pots to take home and plant in their yards. This activity is lots of fun and a great way to teach kids about native plants that attract bees and butterflies. Enjoy National Garden Week; plant something beautiful in your yard!