New Year, Same YOU, but Better!


New Year, Same YOU, but Better!

Ahh the new year!  A fresh start!  A clean slate! Sometimes the sheer thought could be a tad overwhelming. Every year that clock strikes midnight, it’s almost as if we’re expected to know exactly what we want to accomplish for the year, how to get there and what our “resolutions” are. I know it’s just a word, but resolution almost intimidates me. One thing I am NOT is a quitter, so if I “resolve” to do something for the next 365 days, I almost immediately don’t want to start. It sounds like a chore or something I will carry anxiety over, if I don’t deliver.

Briana D’Andrea

Parents today are held to such a higher standard. Whether you’re a parent who works, a stay at home or a work from home, the expectations from a social aspect are immense. What extracurriculars are you signing your child up for? What workout class are you fitting in? Meal prep. Eating organic. Gluten-free. Non-GMO. Ugh, I have a headache. Better not take a Tylenol! Lol

All I’m saying is the New Year is definitely a fresh start for a better YOU, but don’t let it replace who you really and truly are at your core. Now I’m not saying don’t set goals or have dreams, because without those, life wouldn’t really be worth living now would it? I just think it’s crucial to set realistic expectations in areas of your life you want to see improve. Even if it means drinking several more ounces of water in a day or adding in a bike ride around your neighborhood for that extra boost of cardio.

I sat down on December 30th, that time between Christmas and Hanukkah and New Years Eve, when you haven’t any idea what day of the week or if it’s time for lunch or dinner and I “resolved” to write down some areas in my life I felt needed improvement.

Below is a brief list (didn’t want to get too personal in a simple blog post), that I hope inspires you to sit down and do the same.

  1. Family: Practice patience. Goodbye to mom guilt. Try one new thing a month. Continue to strive to be present. Plan vacations ahead of time.
  2. Relationship: Weekly date night (eating dinner alone, a movie at home, doesn’t have to be fancy!) Plan an annual getaway just the two of us.
  3. Home: Continue to chip away at house projects. Purge a bag of donations/trash a month.
  4. Finances: Do a no spend week. Check finances daily. Save!
  5. Wellness: Work out 3 times a week. Meal prep. Sign up for a Disney run (I put it out there in the universe! Ah!)
  6. Work: Grow my team of entrepreneurs every month, to continue to serve others and give back! Write 4 blog posts a month. Plan ahead. Continue to increase sales. (I had my BEST month in November!)
  7. Personal Growth: Learn to say no more. Take an hour everyday just for me. Only surround myself with positivity. Be intentional. Spend less time browsing the internet. (Can’t we all? lol)
  8. Fun: Visit the beach more often. More girls nights. See a concert at least once this year!

I would love to hear yours! Contact me anytime!

Briana D’Andrea

IG: @BrianaDAndrea