October, 2009 – Glow Ball Golf Tournament!


Glow Ball Golf Tournament on October 17th!
Round up 3 friends or business associates and enjoy a night on the golf
course while supporting a great cause. Please help, we could really use it.
Thank you in advance for the consideration.

Royal Palm Beach Rotary’s 2nd Annual Glow Ball Golf Tournament
Saturday Evening, October 3, 2009 ~ Links at Madison Green ~ 8:30 pm Shotgun

        The Object of Rotary is to encourage and foster the ideal of
service as a basis of worthy enterprise and, in particular, to encourage and
foster: the development of acquaintance as an opportunity for service; high
ethical standards in business and professions; the recognition of the
worthiness of all useful occupations. The dignifying of each Rotarian’s
occupation as an opportunity to service society; the application of the
ideal service in each Rotarian’s personal, business, and community life; and
the advancement of internal understanding, goodwill, and peace through a
world of fellowship of business and professional persons united in the ideal
of service.

Golf Committee
Scott Armand
Michael Patterson
Eric Gordon
Ron Tomchin
Terri Wescott

Night’s Agenda

Registration & Dinner
Rules of Game Announced
Silent Auction and Raffle Prizes Awarded
Night Golf Begins – Shotgun Start

1st, 2nd & 3rd Place Award Ceremony after dark under a Full Moon!!!

Visit us online to complete form at www.rpbrotary.org

                Mulligans are Placed Throughout the Course
Mulligan on Hole One
Pedro Silver

Mulligan on Hole Two
Island Ice Teas

Mulligan on Hole Three

Mulligan on Hole Four
Sour Apple Tinis

Mulligan on Hole Five
New Orleans Punch

Mulligan on Hole Six
Captain & Coke

Mulligan on Hole Seven
Woo Woos

Mulligan on Hole Eight
Harvest Moons

Mulligan on Hole Nine

       Foursome Rate:
Price includes:
Full Italian Dinner, Golf, Carts, Lighted Accessories for Course Activity,
Glow in the Dark LED Balls, and Golfer Goodie Bags.

Individual Golfer:

Light the Course Sponsor:

Wellington Rotarian
Karen J. Hardin
This is a great way to showcase your business(es).

Green Sponsor:

Dinner Sponsor:

Dinner Only Attendee:

This is a great way to get your family involved. Invite your wife, husband
or kids to come for the dinner, participate in the raffle and silent auction
or just enjoy the tournament and camaraderie of Rotary.

Please make checks payable to: Royal Palm Beach Rotary Foundation or you may
also pay or register online with your credit card at our website
  or call 561.253.4724 for more details.

Please remit all to:
Royal Palm Beach Rotary Foundation
c/o Glow Ball Golf Tournament
PO Box 211015
Royal Palm Beach, FL 33421