September, 2009 – Julie & Julia, A Scrumptious Movie


“Julie and Julia”– A Scrumptious Movie

By Frannie Sheridan

Part 1 – The Movie . . . Yummy!

Passionate, creative people pursue their dreams out of necessity for spiritual survival.

Frannie Sheridan, Wacky Food Show Host
Frannie Sheridan, Wacky Food Show Host

Allowing food to serve as her palette, Julia Child became a beloved food artist. The joy, resilience and warmth which she radiated on television while making her recipes, particularly after she made mistakes like flipping food out of a pan onto the counter and then adopting her “It’s no big deal, just patch it back together” attitude was infectious.

This weekend, my husband and I devoured the recently released movie Julie and Julia. It was, simply put, yummy. From Meryl Streep’s bang-on depiction of Julia Child’s physicality, high-pitched voice and joie-de-vivre to Nora Ephron’s fluid storytelling, which made us hunger for every morsel of the story from appetizer to dessert. (Now, I can’t promise that those will be my final food references, so if you’re hungry I suggest you stop, whip up some beef bourgignon from a Julia Child cookbook, let it fall onto the floor, laugh in a high-pitched voice…and ingest the rest of this later.)

Ephron shows us that Julia Child had a marriage of true joy and friendship, a certain recipe for greatness. Stanley Tucci plays Julia Child’s devoted husband. Prior to her career epiphany to master cooking (Julia Child and her husband had both worked as spies under Roosevelt, a side story which Ephron barely touches on), she struggled with what it was that she should do to for a career. In the film, her husband responds by asking her what makes her happy. “Eating,” she laughingly replies. He then unflinchingly encourages her to pursue her bliss and continues to empower her every step of her journey, from her botched recipe attempts through to her dealings with jealous superiors to her enormous success.

Meryl Streep plays Julia Child in "Julia & Julia"
Meryl Streep plays Julia Child in "Julia & Julia"

I was tickled by the romantic strength also mirrored in the sub-plot modern day marriage, illustrated by Amy Adams and Chris Messina characters. Adams plays a Julia Child wannabe who became a popular food writer, which Ephron artfully weaves into the telling to keep the story current. The screen writers avoid a second portrayal of a perfect marriage, which would undoubtedly have come across as saccharine, by sprinkling it with some real life bumps, such as Messina’s husband character temporarily leaving in response to his wife having escalated into a shrew.

We roared along with the audience watching Streep and Adams struggle to make exotic recipes, got teary-eyed when relationships were either touching or strained, and rumbled stomachs during the alchemy of mouth-watering recipes.

Part 2 – Getting In Touch with The “Inner Julia Child” in All Of Us



My husband Dani, originally co-owner of Este Café in Queens, now my personal gourmet chef, sat next to me during the movie as we held hands and smooched, smiling knowingly to each other during the on-screen recipes. You see, we too have been bitten by the “food creation bug.” We married our passions to create a comedic healthy cooking show. We recently performed “Frannie’s Wacky Healthy Food Show,” which was sponsored by and presented at Whole Foods Market in Palm Beach Gardens. A 5-minute clip is viewable (above) within this story. Or you can visit my website on the Wacky Healthy Food Show page at

My inspiration for cooking began with my Momma. She could cook up a storm. Literally. Once she left the pressure cooker on so long her beef stew exploded all over the kitchen. But after we’d scraped the salvageable remnants into bowls, it turned out to be a darn tasty and funny explosion!  

As an adult, I couldn’t care less about how healthy or tasty a gastronomic recipe is if I’m not sharing it with good-humored company!


We continue to perform “Frannie’s Wacky Healthy Food Show” for private and corporate events. Additionally, the show has been selected for development by a television producer of merit. It is evolving into an edgier concept which crosses ethnic and age barriers.


I encourage everyone to get in touch with their inner Julia Child, cuz ya know what they say; spiciness in the bedroom begins in the kitchen!


Last but not least, I would like to share a truly guilt-free truffles recipe with you. Recommended: you can find these ingredients at Whole Foods Market!


Frannie and Dani’s Guilt Free Chocolate Truffles


  • To make approximately 14 truffles, roughly chop 1 and ½ cups pecans or walnuts…(maybe a few almonds if you want more crunch) and put into a mixing bowl.


  • For those who don’t like nuts cuz you’re nutty enough hahaha, use raisins instead or even get kooky and add them together.


  • Add 3 tbsp of coconut oil


  • 2 tbsp of raw cacao powder


  • 2 tbsp of agave


  • A spritz of cinnamon if you like


  • Add ½ tbsp of orange and or strawberry flavoring (nothing too cheap or it will taste icky)


  • Mix everything together. Spoon into ice cube trays, and refrigerate. Ready in 20 minutes…sometimes a little longer…


  • To remove the truffles, slide any small knife along BOTH sides of the truffle, lift out, and tada!




Frannie Sheridan will be performing a run of her new humorous and poignant multi-character show “A Celebration Of Life…Dancing On Hitler’s Grave” at a local theatre in November, and also at the Boca JCC Beifield Theatre on Saturday January 30 @ 8:00 P.M, and Sunday January 31st @ 2:00 P.M. For further updates, please visit her website