By Madison Mangoni
I know most of us as children dreamed of being astronauts who would soar through space, gorgeous princesses wearing beautiful tiaras, or great pilots like Amelia Earhart. I aspired to be a fairy princess that the animals in the forest adored and visited every day. We all had rather big dreams for ourselves.
We didn’t realize it at the time, but we were utilizing our aspirations and creativity to identify employment options for ourselves. Now that we’ve all reached older years, we must make the job decisions that will shape our lives. Though it may appear to be a hard decision and cause you migraines, it is critical to determine which career field you are interested in learning about or begin to pursue.

Even though I am just a junior, I have been thinking about what I want to accomplish with my life since fifth grade. Now, I understand that may sound a little early, but I knew I was in love with animals. I’ve been in a pre-vet program since sixth grade, and I feel it was the smartest decision my fifth-grade mind could have made. I picked something in my life that I valued and loved and found a job path that matched it; you can do the same. Now, I understand that selecting a profession is not easy for everyone, so I’ve devised a few methods that may help you find the career you love.
#1: Identify your skills and interests.
Consider what you love doing, what comes naturally to you, and what activities you find meaningful.
#2: Envision your ideal state.
Take the time to learn about yourself, what you actually want in life, and what you believe you will need in the future. Dream big. Consider how you want to retire, where you want to live, and how you want to live.
#3: Take your time.
While some of you reading this may already be in high school or in your junior year, like me, and have no idea what you want, don’t rush. Spend a month or two thinking about what you want to do with your life. Rushing it in a few days or weeks can only cause you stress and it make it more difficult.
#4: Use your network.
You can speak with your parents, older siblings, teachers at your school, your guidance counselor, or even a college adviser. Don’t be hesitant to contact anyone you believe is qualified to assist you; they will be happy to do so. Take the initiative for yourself now and your future self.
#5: Visit a college fair.
If you have a career path in mind but want to learn more about it, attending a college fair may be quite beneficial. You may chat with all of the universities there, and they will tell you what they have to offer based on the career you want. This might also help you narrow down your options if you want to attend college.
#6: Consider salary and benefits.
To make a wise career choice, research wage ranges and benefits packages. I understand that money is not intended to be the primary consideration while looking for a job; instead, it should be what you enjoy doing. But you also want to make sure you’re setting yourself up for a comfortable future.
#7: Take action and indulge in the career you want to choose.
I volunteer at a veterinary hospital, but you may volunteer anywhere you like as long as they allow it. Reach out to places. Even if they say no, it’s better to try than to never find out. This might also help you determine whether or not you want to pursue this career path. Sometimes you discover it’s not what you want to do, so volunteering can help you find the ideal profession for you.
As I’ve gotten older, adopting these seven steps has been really beneficial in determining my career path. My aim is that they will benefit not just myself, but also you who are reading this. Remember to be bold and not fearful of the future. It may be frightening at first, but if you find something you enjoy, it just gets easier from there. It helps you create goals and enhances your academic performance by motivating you to do well on tests or quizzes. Take these seven steps into consideration when searching for the ideal career for you, and I am confident they will help.