The Mounts Botanical Garden of Palm Beach County To Host 10 Fun, Informative & Family-Friendly Events in March & April 2016


The Mounts Botanical Garden of Palm Beach County To Host 10 Fun, Informative & Family-Friendly Events in March & April 2016

Mounts Walkway

  • Making a Garden Trough: The Hypertufa Process – March 3
  • Book Discussion Series – March 8 & April 12
  • Stories in the Garden – March 11 & April 8
  • Florida’s Medicinal Wildflowers – March 23
  • Weeds: Pesky Plants of Lawns & Gardens – April 4
  • Orchid Care 101: Repotting – April 10
  • Spring Plant Sale – April 23-24
  • Urban Farming: Sustainable Backyard Vegetable Growing – April 30

(West Palm Beach, FL – February __, 2016) The Friends of Mounts Botanical Garden will be hosting 10 fun, horticulturally informative and family friendly public events in March and April, including the very popular Spring Plant Sale on April 23-24.


Making a Garden Trough:

The Hypertufa Process

Thursday, March 3 – 9 am to noon

Mounts Garden Pavilion

$30 for members; $35 for nonmembers

Speaker: Ted Johnson, Master Gardener

Trough containers are all the rage. These functional planters resemble old stone but are lighter in weight. They’re also durable and perfect for miniature gardens or small plants. In this workshop, participants will watch a pro demonstrate how to create a hypertufa container so they’ll be comfortable with the process if they choose to practice it at home.  Mounts will supply tips on potting mixes and planting. Wear old clothes and bring clear plastic safety glasses and well-fitting, waterproof dishwashing gloves. Class limit is 20.

Mounts Botanical Garden Book Discussion Series

Tuesday, March 8 – 7 to 8:30 pm

Mounts Exhibit Hall A


In partnership with the Palm Beach County Library System, this new series provides an opportunity for book and garden enthusiasts to meet together to experience exciting fiction and non-fiction titles related to all aspects of gardening and horticulture. The featured book in March will be Silent Spring by Rachel Carson.

Stories in the Garden:

Buzzy, Buzzy Bees

Friday, March 11 – 10 to 11:30 am

Mounts – The Pavilion


Speaker: Stacey Burford, Youth Services Librarian

Celebrate the 12th year of Stories in the Garden by bringing young ones (ages 2-6) to these FREE nature-themed programs co-sponsored by the Palm Beach Library System. They’ll love the interactive stories, songs and learning activities in the Garden. Programs are held rain or shine in the sheltered Pavilion. No reservations required, except for parties of six or more. A craft activity to culminate each day will be reserved for the first 30 registrants.

Florida’s Medicinal Wildflowers

Wednesday, March 23 – 6 to 7:30 pm

Mounts Auditorium

$20 for members; $25 for nonmembers

Speaker: Joanna Helms, founder of Mama Jo’s Sunshine Herbals and a member of the American Herbalist Guild

Florida’s medicinal wildflowers are captivating to the eye as they collaborate for environmental health. Just imagine the beauty of these plants providing necessary components to nourish and balance our internal environment. This workshop will embrace Traditional Herbalism, the healing properties of our native environment passed down by ancestors.



Pesky Plants of Lawns & Gardens

Monday, April 4 – 10 am to 1 pm

Mounts Auditorium

$25 for members; $30 for nonmembers

Speaker: George Rogers, Ph.D., Palm Beach State College

Attendees will walk the grounds with Dr. Rogers, a local garden guru who will identify common weeks of lawns and gardens and share fascinating facts about their biology. Price includes a South Florida weed book. Attendees can bring weeds in sealed plastic bags for identification.

Stories in the Garden:

Our Beautiful Butterflies

Friday, April 8 – 10 to 11:30 am

Mounts – The Pavilion


Speaker: Stacey Burford, Youth Services Librarian

Celebrate the 12th year of Stories in the Garden by bringing young ones (ages 2-6) to these FREE nature-themed programs co-sponsored by the Palm Beach Library System. They’ll love the interactive stories, songs and learning activities in the Garden. Programs are held rain or shine in the sheltered Pavilion. No reservations required, except for parties of six or more. A craft activity to culminate each day will be reserved for the first 30 registrants.

Orchid Care 101:

Repotting Orchids

Sunday, April 10 – 10 am to 1 pm

Mounts – The Pavilion

$30 for members; $40 for nonmembers

Speaker: Sandi Jones, Broward Orchid Supply and Bonnet House Museum & Gardens

This hands-on workshop, with Orchid Curator Sandi Jones, will explain what orchids need—water, light, fertilizer, temperature. Attendees are encouraged to bring an orchid (up to 6”) to be evaluated and repotted or mounted. This is a hands-on interactive class, in which participants will repot their own plant with guidance from Ms. Jones. Additionally, demonstrations of various potting and mounting such as using tree fern and cork bark will be shown. Orchid supplies will be available for purchase. (Note: This class is limited to 25 participants.)

Mounts Botanical Garden Book Discussion Series

Tuesday, April 12 – 7 to 8:30 pm

Mounts xhibit Hall A


In partnership with the Palm Beach County Library System, this new series provides an opportunity for book and garden enthusiasts to meet together to experience exciting fiction and non-fiction titles related to all aspects of gardening and horticulture. The featured book in April will be The Sound of a Wild Snail Eating by Elisabeth Tova Bailey.

Spring Plant Sale

+ Saturday, April 23 – 9 am to 4 pm

+ Sunday, April 24 – 9 am to 3 pm

Throughout the Garden

FREE for members; $10 for nonmembers

This annual two-day event will feature more than 80 vendors with an amazing assortment of quality plants and goods. This is a great opportunity to learn about the plants that grow well in South Florida and find something new for the garden. The Conrad-Sunrise Chapter of the American Hibiscus Society will hold their annual judging and show featuring many of the state’s best blooms. Rare and hard-to-find palms, orchids, bamboo, begonias, bromeliads, fruit trees will be available for purchase at various booths. By popular demand, the PBC Wood turners will be selling a large selection of beautiful woodturnings.

(Note: Mounts members can enjoy a continental breakfast and pre-sale on Saturday from 8 to 9 am.)

Urban Farming:

Sustainable Backyard Vegetable Growing

Saturday, April 30 – 9 to 11 am

Mounts Auditorium &Vegetable Garden

$20 for members; $25 for nonmembers

Speakers: Raina & Paul O’Connor, Master Gardeners

Questions about getting ready for Fall Planting will be answered in this popular and back-by-demand session, such as: Do you want to raise vegetables in a typical quarter-acre block in suburbia? Which garden beds are attractive and easy to build? Two Master Gardeners will offer tips and techniques on site preparation, seedling establishment, planting, maintenance, pest and disease control, watering efficiently, and harvesting. Attendees will learn the best way and time to start planting vegetables that grow in South Florida. This class is suited for both the garden novice and the seasoned enthusiast. Participants will receive a free packet of seeds to begin their own garden.


To register for any of the events and workshops at The Mounts Botanical Garden of Palm Beach County, please call 561.233.1730. Events at Mounts are accessible to people with disabilities.

About The Mounts Botanical Garden of Palm Beach County:

With a mission to inspire the public, Mounts Botanical Garden is Palm Beach County’s oldest and largest botanical garden, offering gorgeous displays of tropical and sub-tropical plants, plus informative classes, workshops, and other fun-filled events. The Garden contains more than 2,000 species of plants, including Florida native plants, exotic and tropical fruit trees, herbs, palms, bromeliads and more. Mounts Botanical Garden is a facility of the Palm Beach County Extension Service, which is in partnership with the University of Florida and the Friends of Mounts Botanical Garden. Mounts is located at 531 North Military Trail in West Palm Beach.

Mounts Botanical Garden is open everyday (except Palm Beach County recognized holidays) from 10 am to 4 pm. The suggested donation for entry to the Garden is $5 per person. For more information, please call 561.233.1757 or visit